Chapter 180

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"What the fuck is that git thinking?" Sirius roared.

"Does he even know where the fuck that place is? Like what the fuck—"

Sirius angry rants were broken by Kreacher apparating before them.

"Did Regulus send you?" Remus said eagerly.

"Yeah, did he grow some sense?" Sirius spat.

"The girl," Kreacher said quietly, his voice still hoarse from all the crying. "Master Regulus' girl knew. She told Kreacher. . Kreacher said he would do it for Master Regulus,"

With trembling hands, he held out a letter to Lily.

Lily's hand flew to her mouth. 

She slowly took the letter from Kreacher and the elf vanished again with a crack.

Lily turned the letter over and opened it, tears forming in her eyes involuntarily.

'Dear Lily,
I will not go into the details, since it is evident by now.
I had arranged for this letter to reach you when Voldemort takes Kreacher to hide his Horcrux. This is good news to us, for it means that he had begun hiding his Horcruxes more seriously. 
Please go with Regulus, is what I ask of you. Please keep him safe, and bring him back alive. 
I understand that this must be hard for you, but could you find it in your heart to do this for me?

You've always been the one to keep everyone calm in the direst situations, even though you yourself were going through the same. 
Regulus had once said that you two make a good team, and I would trust no one else with this, but you. I am certain that you have started joining the pieces already.
I enjoy talking to you, Lily. 

And I really hope you are having a happy life with everyone.

With regards,

Yours truly,

Lily's tears fell onto the parchment as James pulled her into a hug and she passed the letter around. 

Lily was feeling a whirlwind of emotions. A part of her wanted to scream out in sadness, the other was just happy that Isabell wanted to send her a letter too, after all. She had been worried that she didn't mean as much to Izzy as the others since her letter didn't seem to come at all.

But she also felt very indignant and angry that even now, all Isabella thought of was defeating Lord Voldemort. And her letters came to them with instructions. It wasn't the most personal thing ever, was it? 

"Sirius," Lily sniffed, wiping her tears away.

"Can you call Kreacher, and ask him to take me to Regulus," she said. "Then we'll set off together and get the Horcrux,"

"By then James can go get the Sword from Dumbledore and when we return, we can destroy it,"

"No!" both James and Sirius roared.

"You can't go, Lily, not you," James said, hugging Lily tighter.

"You're pregnant for Merlin's sake," Sirius snapped. "You aren't doing any such shit,"

"Only two months," Lily said. "Besides, it is Izzy's last request. . .It will be done soon,"

"Lily, no," James said. "I'm not letting you go,"

"James," Remus said slowly. "I think you should let Lily decide,"

Remus had seen the blazing look in Lily's eyes. She was determined and he knew that nothing anyone said would deter her from doing what she wanted to. 

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