Chapter 35

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Isabella noticed the tawny owl she had sent to Dumbledore swoop down to her at dinner. 

The owl landed in front of her, catching the attention of many people in the Great Hall. Isabella fumbled with the tie for a bit and finally managed to untie the letter. She pocketed the letter as though nothing had happened and sent the owl off. Then she returned to her food. 

She hadn't noticed this before, but Dumbledore wasn't there in the Great Hall that evening. 

Maybe he was waiting for her? 

Isabella ate her food at top speed and left the place. 

She pulled out the letter from her pocket once she was in an empty corridor. She unrolled the parchment which was tied with a purple ribbon and read the contents.

'Miss Jefferson,
I would like to hear your thoughts about the topic. Please, come to my office before dinner at 8 o'clock. 
Headmaster Dumbledore.
I do enjoy treacle tarts.'

Isabella stared at the letter for a second longer, then slapped a hand to her forehead. It was two minutes past eight. 

She should have read the letter the moment she got it.

Grumbling under her breath, Isabella ran towards the tower Myrtle had given her instructions to. 

Isabella wasn't entirely sure what Dumbledore meant by telling her that he liked treacle tarts. Did he want her to get some from the Great Hall?

Or maybe it was just the password to his office.

Yeah, that made sense. And if Dumbeldore did want her to get some from the Great Hall, he had to be more specific. He had stated his preference but never said what he wanted her to do about it, so he couldn't blame her anyway.

Isabella hated running in general, and now she had to run upstairs! And tomorrow, McLaggen was going to make her fly on that broom for hours, her legs were already sore from running around all day. 

"Treacle tart," she told the griffin gargoyle uncertainly. 

The stone came to life and jumped aside. Isabella rushed in before it decided to close again and found herself on a moving spiral staircase, which took her up. 

There was another door here. Isabella knocked on it.

"Enter," Dumbledore's voice said from inside.

Isabella pushed the door open and entered a huge circular room. Shelves and shelves of books lined the walls and there in the middle was Dumbledore's desk. The old Headmaster was sitting in the highbacked chair behind his desk, apparently waiting for her.

Isabella also saw the phoenix she had seen in her dream. Fawkes was his name. 

The red and golden phoenix stood on its perch, in full glory looking at her with its beady black eyes. 

"I'm sorry, sir," Isabella said hurriedly trying to explain why she was late to Dumbledore.

"I am a bit late. I was at dinner when I received the owl and it took some time for me to read the letter and run all the way here. . ." she trailed off. 

It sounded like she was making excuses.

"Sorry, Headmaster," she muttered dejectedly.

"Not a problem, Miss Jefferson," Dumbledore said kindly and gestured to the choir before him. "I understand. Please, take a seat,"

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