Chapter 64

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Isabella unlocked the door and entered the room she had left hardly three minutes ago.

Trelawney walked in behind her and shut the door. Then she went and grabbed the round table at the side of the room and dragged it to the centre, placing the water jug down so hastily that it fell over and water spilt all over.

Isabella pursed her lips but didn't say anything.

Trelawney pulled her bag and took out her crystal ball and placed it on the table.

"Look!" she said. "I don't know if you know crystal gazing. You still look Hogwarts age,"

"I've taken Divination," Isabella said shortly when Trelawney pushed her down onto the floor beside her and gazed into the crystal ball. 

"Death approaches," Trelawney said. 

"May I know your name," Isabella said. 

The witch looked up sharply, as though Isabella had just disrupted something very important. 

"Sybill Trelawney," she said in slight annoyance, losing her dreamy dazed voice.

"Middle name too, please," Isabella urged. 

"Patricia," Trelawney said and went back to the crystal ball. 

But Isabella's mouth had fallen open. 


She had only thought that Trelawney had made the prediction about Peter going back to the Dark Lord. But she had also made the Lost Prophecy, the big one!
Yes! Dumbledore said that she had made two real predictions and that's ought to give her a pay rise!

It was her. 

Sybill Patricia Trelawney. 

Isabella exhaled softly.

"Do you have a piece of parchment?" she said. 

Trelawney frowned up at her, but then complied and then from her bag pulled out a crumpled bit of parchment and a quill and then slammed an ink bottle on the round little table. 

"Thank you," Isabella said and scribbled on the parchment hurriedly.

Trelawney had just opened her mouth when Isabella spoke over her. 

"Your prediction contradicts mine," she said. "I have four years to live, not three. . .Here,"

She pushed the parchment with her calculations towards Trelawney and sat back. 

"I'm Isabella Jefferson," she said. "Fourth year, still in Hogwarts,"

"Yes, obviously," Trelawney said her eyes darting across the parchment. "Is this Arithmancy?" she said, with slight distaste.

"Only for the accurate number," Isabella said with a nod. "And you are Sybill Trelawney. You wouldn't be related to Cassandra Trelawney, would you?"

"She is my great grandmother," Sybill said with pride. "The inner eye is something I've received from her. . .these things pass down three-generation,"

Isabella didn't think Sybill was that good a liar.

She could exaggerate, but she couldn't lie well.

"May I?" Isabella said gesturing at the crystal ball. 

Sybill frowned at her, then nodded. 

Isabella pulled the crystal ball towards her. 

"I think Divination is a very interesting subject," she said. "Although I must admit, I am not as proficient at crystal gazing than I am at palmistry,"

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