Chapter 57

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Isabella had a lot of work to catch up on, after her long period of absence, so she had to use the time-turner a lot more than she usually would have. There would be times when there were at least seven Isabella Jeffersons around the castle attending classes, catching up on extra work, homework, and other things. 

She hadn't gotten a chance to speak to Professor Dumbledore yet. 

But something that lifted her moods was that R had left a painting for her. He had painted the night sky, littered with stars. 

'The stars looked beautiful when I was in Astronomy class. Thought you'd like to see.'

Isabella wondered how long ago he had left it there in the library and if he had waited for a reply, but she set to making a drawing soon. 

And that would mean, she had to use the time-turner again.


"Jefferson's back," Regulus pointed out. Marcus' head snapped up to look at the Gryffindor table. 

"Yeah," he said and returned to his food. "One week in the hospital wing, she must have been hurt badly,"

"Or she was faking it," Regulus said. 

"Oh, shut up," Marcus scoffed. "The Gryffindor team visited her every day apparently and she was still out,"

"Can't even take a bludger," Regulus grumbled. "What does she have to be so weak for? Always falling over and stumbling over her own feet,"

Marcus rolled his eyes and switched the topic. 

"Did Valerie reply yet?" he said. 

Regulus' expression fell immediately. 

"Not yet," he said in a small voice. 

"Just let it go," Marcus said bracingly. "You didn't even know her.  . .I get it, you might have had a soft spot for this Valerie girl, but she doesn't,"

"You're not making it any better," Regulus snarled. "I'm going to the library,"

"Honestly," Marcus huffed as Regulus got to his feet and stormed off from the Great Hall. 

Marcus scoffed in exasperation. Regulus was first obsessed with Jefferson, now it was this Valerie girl. He was a complete idiot. 

Valerie's reply didn't come till Wednesday and when Regulus found it, he was more than pleased.

"She didn't forget me after all," he said brightly as he sauntered into the boys' dormitory, waving the scroll in his hand. 

Marcus opened one eye to look at Regulus who had plopped down on his bed, with a small smile and sighed sadly.

Valerie had drawn him a flower bush. And the white flowers seemed to glitter against their dark leaves. 

'They are gardenias, my favourite flower. Sorry for making you wait and thank you for waiting.'

Marcus rolled over to look at Regulus.

"Sneaking around the castle after curfew," Marcus said in a whisper. "You could have gotten caught and landed yourself in detention,"

"But I didn't," Regulus said dismissively. 

"You've been getting out of bed in the night for days now," Marcus chided his friend. "Really? Is Valerie this important?"

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