Chapter 93

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Saturday dawned bright and snowy. 

Isabella wasn't looking forward to the Hogsmeade trip that day. She even had half a plan to take Snow Wiffle with her and make him scratch Black's face off if he annoyed her, but then she thought that would be animal abuse, and using her pet for a petty personal grudge, so put that plan on hold.

After a lazy breakfast, she went back upstairs to get her coat and muffler, along with the parchment Slughorn had given them.

At five minutes to eleven, she was at the lake, waiting for Black, who hadn't shown up yet. And he was the one who wanted to meet up an hour earlier. 

It was obvious, no one would want to get out of bed early in this weather. It was just too nice to not stay in bed. 

Isabella kicked the snow with her boots, staring at the lake's frozen surface. A few firm taps might just break the ice, so she shouldn't even think of trying to walk on the ice right now. 

Isabella shivered slightly as a particularly cold wind blew across her, and she pulled her scarf to cover her face. 

Ah, she had forgotten her mittens again. Oh, well. . .

Isabella stuffed her hands into her pockets and strayed off, walking towards the forest, aligning her feet in a straight line, focusing completely on that task, like a little kid. 

It took her a few seconds to realise what she was doing, and she shook her head, then straightened. What the hell was she doing? 

Rather embarrassed, Isabella hurried towards the forest. 

"Val," she called into the forest and it took a few seconds for the bird to come swooping through the trees and land on her outstretched arm. 

Isabella smiled slightly as Val cooed on her arm, and let out a pleasant screech as she stroked the bird's head. 


She felt her joy being stumped down, and annoyance taking its place. 

She turned around to see Black stomping towards her. 

"You're late," she said stiffly.

"No, I wasn't," Black snapped back.

"I was here ten minutes to eleven," he said. "What the hell were you doing? Taming all the animals in the forest?"

Isabella should have brought Snow, and he could scratch the asshole's face off. 

"I was here five minutes before eleven, too," Isabella said. "And I waited for you,"

"So did I," Black scoffed. "I was at the other end of the lake. If you'd just looked, you might have seen,"

"I can say the same to you," Isabella huffed.

"I did," Black said condescendingly. "That's why I'm here right now. Let's just go. Do you have your parchment?"

"Of course," Isabella said. "See you later, Val," she sent the bird off. 

She pulled the parchment out of her pocket and unfolded it, then looked up at Black who was staring at her with a strange expression.

"What's that bird's name?" he demanded.

"That bird is an augurey, and her name is Val," Isabella said annoyed. "Now, it would be very helpful if you could get your part of the parchment out too,"

". . .Right," Regulus said. He was being stupid. A bird couldn't be Valerie, besides, she had already left school. 

He pulled his piece of the parchment out and they brought both the parts together. 

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