Chapter 62

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Isabella had gotten used to Catherine's presence over the days. She would be there at least three to four times a week, and Isabella also noticed that the orders for flowers were increasing, and they always seemed to come from the hospital Catherine worked at. 

Well, money was money. She wasn't complaining. 

The problem was when Catherine thought it would be a nice little to have a day out, all three of them. 

Isabella would have much preferred sitting at home and enjoying her time, or staying in the town's library. 

"I heard you do a sort of internship during summers," Catherine said as they stepped out onto the bright sunny morning. 

Isabella glanced upwards. It was going to get very hot soon. Why, wasn't this just wonderful?

"Yes," Isabella said. 

"What do you do?" Catherine said. "Sam never gives a straight answer,"

"Astronomy," Isabella blurted out the first thing that came to mind. She couldn't possibly tell Catherine that she was learning wandlore.

"Wow," Catherine said sounding very impressed. "Astronomy? That is just incredible. Is that why you sleep so little at night? Staring at the stars?"

Isabella just gave a small smile. No answer was required for this. 

Staring at the stars reminded her of Hogwarts. . .And Hogwarts reminded her the classes and the Forbidden Forest. . .And that reminded her of the library. . .And that reminded her of R. 

Yeah, he had sent her a painting of the night sky once. Isabella had never been stargazing. Wonder how it would be. She had studied the planetary movements for Astronomy and she had done a bit for Divination too. But never simply stargazing. . .

"You're fourteen now?" Catherine continued the conversation.

"Yes," Isabella said. "I turned fourteen a week ago,"

"Oh, my, wasn't I there?" Catherine said, worriedly. 

"No, you were at the hospital," Isabella said. "And it wasn't worth bothering for,"

"I'm going to have to look for a birthday present now," Catherine said perking up.

"No, that would not be necessary," Isabella said. "I wouldn't want to be any trouble. I appreciate the thought, though,"

"Nonsense," Catherine said brightly, taking Isabella's arm and pulling her ahead. "If I was there when you were born, I would likely be your godmother. What sort of person would I be if I didn't get a present for you?"

Someone who respected her wishes. Isabella didn't say that out loud, of course.

Isabella would have sufficed with a diary, or ink or pencils. But Catherine seemed to have a different idea altogether. 

"You are at that age," Catherine was saying. "When you pay a lot of attention to yourself and others . . .especially boys,"

Isabella glanced at her father who was simply tagging along and was staying well out of the conversation. 

Catherine wasn't wrong. It was true, adolescents did go through that stage. It was perfectly natural. 

"So, is there someone?" Catherine said nudging Isabella playfully. Isabella moved a good inch away. 

"No," she answered honestly. 

"I don't mind if you have a boyfriend," Mr Jefferson said hurriedly. "Just don't forget to let me know,"

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