Chapter 56

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"Excellent conditions," McLaggen said at the table on the day of their match with Hufflepuff. 

"Sirius, Arthur, keep out of the sun," he said. "Don't want to get distracted. . .Izzy, don't mistake any light reflections for the Snitch,"

Isabella nodded. 

"Eat up, Marlene," McLaggen said, pushing the porridge bowl towards her. Marlene who already had three spoonfuls stuffed into her mouth, glared up at him. 

"Listen," McLaggen said seriously. "I don't get why you are trying to go on a diet! You look in perfect shape!"

"It's not a diet," Marlene snarled. "I'm trying to eat healthy,"

"You are kid, Marlene," James said disapprovingly. "Why on earth would you eat healthy. You are meant to eat all the sweets in the world, get cavities and sleep like a log after the sugar-crash,"

"Then wake up in the middle of the night once the effects wear off," Sirius continued. "And then enjoy life under the stars,"

Isabella found so many points which were utterly stupid, but she didn't say anything. Not that her saying anything would make any difference.

"I don't like foods that are too oily," Frank said suddenly. "You know, they get all greasy in your mouth and it's ugh," he shuddered. 

"You mean like too much cheese?" Arthur said. 

"No, no, not cheese," Frank shook his head. "Too much oil. Some foods, they already have this greasy texture and to that, a lot of oil is added. It is a nightmare if it has been deep-fried,"

"Ah, those," McLaggen grimaced too. "I feel like I'm gaining weight as I eat. And then my broom will break,"

"How on earth did you bring Quidditch to food?" Marlene laughed.

"I'm not really worried," Sirius said. "Every summer I come back a dried stick and fatten up at Hogwarts. It's a sort of cycle, you know,"

Silence fell. Sirius took his dark jokes too far sometimes. His humour was. . .nice, but sometimes concerning. 

Isabella was taken aback too. She knew Sirius' family wasn't the most loving family there was, but he was being starved there?! 

"Fuck it," James snapped. "I'm your mum now. You get to eat chocolate for dinner and your bedtime is never,"

Sirius laughed loudly and slapped James on his back. 

"So, who's my dad? Remus?" Sirius said.

"No, no," James said. "He's another child of mine. The sassy, depressed, no-will-to-live kid who needs constant chocolate injections,"

"I thought Sirius was the depressed one," Marlene muttered.

"Nah," James said dismissively. "He's the extra, attention-seeking arsehole everyone wants to give a good smack on the head at least twice a day,"

"What 'bout Peter?" Sirius pressed.

"He's the sweet sunshine child," James said promptly. "He needs to be protected at all costs,"

Isabella focused on her goblet of pumpkin juice. 

She kept saying it was in the future and that there was nothing she could do. . .But if she could, she wanted to protect this at all costs. 

A few nights previous, Isabella had heard McGonagall yelling at the Marauders for one of their new pranks, no doubt. 

McGonagall had said, "I trust you to act your age. I really hope you grow up,"

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