Chapter 195

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"The Quidditch world cup, Bulgaria versus Ireland," Draco said excitedly. 

"You'll be coming too, won't you?" Estella asked hopefully. 

Draco nodded. 

"I bet Krum's going to win," he said. "He's just brilliant,"

"Even better than President Potter," he rolled his eyes.

"Who?" ten-year-old Estella said confused. 

"Just Harry," Draco said dismissively. "We don't have to talk about him. Let's talk about Krum,"

"Who's Krum?" Regulus asked at the dinner table.

Draco seemed simply offended at this question.

"Uncle Regulus, which generation are you living in?" Draco said exasperatedly

"Viktor Krum, Bulgaria's Seeker," Isabella said. "He's only eighteen, but has been winning the matches for his team this year,"

"See! Aunt Isabella knows things," Draco huffed, still very offended that his godfather didn't know of the world-renowned Seeker.

"You mean the grumpy looking boy," Regulus said, thinking. "He walks weirdly, doesn't he? A bit duck-footed?"

Draco let out an appalled gasp at this as Estella giggled.

"He's not duck-footed!" Draco roared. "Have you seen him fly?" 

"No, I haven't," Regulus said dryly. "And I bet he's any better than Isabella. She's the best flier I've ever seen,"

Isabella smiled at her husband and placed her hand on his. 

Both Draco and Estella wrinkled their noses. 

"At dinner? Really, mum, dad?" Estella grumbled. 

"Draco, you're being a really bad influence," Regulus scolded. "She's even rolling her eyes now,"

"Well, sometimes, words cannot describe just how ridiculous things are, so you need to learn a new form of expression," Estella said simply and Draco smirked widely. 

"I blame you," Regulus whispered in Isabella's ear.

"You were just as sassy when you were a kid," Isabella shot back.

"I don't get why I have to wait for another year to go to Hogwarts," Estella complained. "I co do all this easily,"

She moved her hand and levitated all the goblets on the table, made them do cartwheels in unison, spilling their contents and then lowering them back onto the table as Regulus cleaned the mess with a sigh.

"You even have switching spells," Draco said. "Charms are easy, it is transfiguration that is tough,"

Estella gave him an incredulous look, brushed her dark hair over her shoulder, and hovered her hand over her knife. 

She furrowed her eyebrows, concentrating, and with a light pop, her knife exchanged places with her spoon.

"I can do it," she said sharply. "Without a wand,"

"Fine, Merlin, Ella, you don't have to be so smug about it," Draco grumbled. "Just like Granger,"

Just to prove her point further, Estella pointed her finger at Draco's fork and muttered, "Spongify,"

Instead of piercing the meat like the fork should have, to Draco's utter confusion, it just bent like rubber.

"Estella!" he yelled, turning to glare at the girl.

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