Chapter 155

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On the first of September, Isabella had to explain six times to the Marauders, Lily and Mrs Potter, why she had to leave early. 

Isabella just wanted to avoid the crowd but came up with the excuse that she could fill Regulus in with whatever had happened during the summer since they couldn't send him the letters.

 "Here," Sirius said, handing over his part of the two-sided mirror to Isabella as they arrived at the empty Platform Nine and Three Quarters at a quarter past ten in the morning. 

Only the Hogwarts Express was there, and everything else was as still as still could be.

"We'll keep an eye on you two," he said. "And if anything's wrong, tell us immediately,"

James cleared his throat and stepped forward.

"We've also come to a decision," he said solemnly. "We worried a lot about passing this on. Our time as the pranksters of Hogwarts has passed, and now it is time to hand it over,"

Remus held out a folded bit of parchment for Isabella. 

"Messers, Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs," Sirius said grandly. "Are finally handing the Marauders Map to our successor," 

James took his glasses off and wiped his tears away. 

Isabella heard a click and looked up to see Lily holding a camera.

"It was their request," Lily said. "They told me they wanted a photo of this,"

". . .I don't think I am the best person for this," Isabella said as she took the Map. "I won't be doing any pranks. . .But, it would be useful. If I have to meet up with Regulus, and do it without being found out, then this would be helpful,"

Isabella pulled her wand out and pointed it at the Map.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," she said and watched the whole of Hogwarts stretch out in front of them. 

With a small smirk, she looked up to see the shocked expressions of the Marauders. 

They had never told her what to do with the parchment. It was only Regulus and Lily who found out, not Isabella. 

"I might be aloof," Isabella said. "Not ignorant. Mischief managed,"

The Map wiped itself clean and Isabella pocketed it. 

"You've been making this map since your fourth year," she said. "I've noticed things you never have, so you don't have to be so surprised,"

Isabella, with a nod, set off to get onto the train, leaving the Marauders slowly let the shock sink in. 

Isabella was hoping that Regulus would already be on the train. He knew she would come early, and so the best time that they could talk was now. 

And she knew how to find him. She would just send Snow Wiffle to look for Regulus. 

But Snow Wiffle set off and returned without Regulus. So, Isabella had to go look for him herself. 

He wasn't there. 

The train started and Isabella didn't see any signs of Regulus anywhere. Maybe she missed him getting onto the train and he was probably with his friends. 

Isabella wasn't too worried though. Regulus was a prefect. So, she would find him in the prefects' compartment. 

She had taken her usual seat at the end of the train. Of course, she could use the HeadBoy and HeadGirl's compartment, but she didn't want to. She liked this one better.

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