Chapter 122

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Regulus was in the worst possible mood on Monday morning. 

He hadn't been able to get a wink of sleep last night, or the night before to be honest. 

He was thinking about the Deathly Hallows symbol that Jefferson always had around her neck, and the Gaunts and Riddle's story, and why Sirius and his friends didn't come yesterday, and he was wondering what more was in store for them. 

"You look terrible," Marcus said.

"I know," Regulus snapped. He had bloodshot eyes, and dark circled under them. His skin pale and his lips dry. And he had a headache and a scowl to match. 

He looked across the Hall to see if Jefferson was there. 

She wasn't. She must have left already. She never stayed long when the Great Hall was full, and at the moment it was brimming with students.

"What is your secret?" Black whispered aggressively in her ear, making Isabella jump.

She moved away to look at him in alarm. 

They were at Potions, listening to what Slughorn was saying when Black placed his demand. 

At first, Isabella panicked and thought he was talking about her time-turner, then she realised he couldn't possibly have found out about that. 

"What?" Isabella whispered back. 

"Did you sleep last night?" Black said.

Isabella shook her head. 

"How long has it been since you last slept properly?" he said.

Isabella thought for a few seconds before holding up five fingers under the table. 

Black groaned softly and slapped a hand against his forehead.

"Then, how the hell do you manage to look so normal?!" he hissed in her ear.

Isabella titled her head slightly, in confusion. 

"You look okay!" Black said indignantly. "Two days of sleep deprivation and I look like I'm dying. What do you do?"

Isabella blinked.

Then a soft chuckle left her lips. 

"I look terrible too," she whispered to him. 

Black rolled his eyes in disbelief. 

"No, really," Isabella pressed. "You look like you are dying, I look like I'm dead,"

"Please," Black scoffed, turning his gaze to Slughorn, pretending to be listening. 

"Regulus," Slughorn said a while later, coming over to their desks. "Are you alright, m'boy?"

Isabella promptly hid her smirk. 

Black sent her a pointed glare that said, 'I told you so!'. 

"I'm fine, sir," Black said, managing a weak smile. "I just didn't sleep well last night,"

"Don't stress yourself too much," Slughorn said bracingly. "Yes, sixth year can be difficult. But it is hardly a month into the new term. Relax and take it easy. Yes?"

"Yes, sir," Black nodded and Slughorn left, with a small smile.

"See what I mean?" Black whispered into Isabella's ear.

Isabella moved back a bit, then nodded. 

When the class was dismissed, and they started leaving the class, Isabella caught Black's sleeve, holding him back.

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