Chapter 63

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Isabella was out on a break. She was walking down the cobbled street aimlessly. 

The Hogwarts letters weren't out yet and so she wasn't sure what book she'd be needing, so she had no particular purpose. Except for taking a walk in the sunshine, with a chocolate ice cream.


Isabella stopped and turned around. 

Sirius Black? What was he doing here?"

"Hello," she said with a nod as Sirius hurried to her. 

"It is you," Sirius cried. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm staying up at the Leaky Cauldron," Isabella said. "And I go to Ollivanders,"

"You're working part-time, yeah, I remember," Sirius said nodding. "But I thought you were working for Flourish and Blotts,"

"No, I'm not working part-time," Isabella said. "I was just interested in wandlore,"

"Wand lore?" Sirius said. Isabella nodded. 

"Why are you here?" she asked. "The letters didn't arrive yet,"

"Oh, nah, the letters aren't here yet," Sirius said, crossing his arms behind his head. Isabella wondered if his arms wouldn't hurt in that position.

"I'm doing part-time at Gambols and Japes," he said. "The joke shop?"

"I've never been there personally," Isabella said. "But yes, I've seen it,"

"You've never been there?" Sirius said surprised. "Why not? Every Hogwarts student's been there at least once,"

"I thought you'd chose Quality Quidditch Supplies," Isabella said changing the subject.

"Yeah, I thought I'd work there at first," Sirius said, slightly suspicious at the sudden change of subject, but complied. 

"But compared to the profits made in summers, Gambols and Japes will get me more money," he said. "Quick and easy. Just wait for the Hogwarts season, people are going to flock at the joke shop,"

Isabella nodded. One of the reasons she didn't go there. And it was too noisy for her liking. 

"You've grown taller," Sirius said suddenly, placing his hand on her head and checking their heights in front of a glass display window. 

"Look!" Sirius cried grinning. "First you wouldn't even come up to my shoulder,"

Isabella flushed and beamed, proud at the accomplishment of her body. She lifted her ice cream to cover her mouth as she stared at their reflection. She was a hundred and forty-one centimetres, finally. . .A bit too short still, but she would grow, she hoped.

Sirius was way too tall. But that was fine, he was older than her and he was likely having his growth spurt. 

"You're growing your hair out," Isabella pointed out. She didn't want him to find out that she was way too happy about growing taller.

"Yep," Sirius said happily. "Evans showed it in a muggle magazine. It looks cool, does it not?"

Isabella got the image of Sirius after he escaped from Azkaban. . .

"Yes," she said, hoping that he doesn't wish to grow it that long. 

Sirius pulled his hair up into a makeshift ponytail, examining his reflection in the display window, his lips pursed.

"It should grow a bit more," he said. "Then I can tie it up. . .I'll have to pull my hair back for Quidditch anyway. . ."

Isabella bit her ice cream. 

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