Chapter 116

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The dormitory door opened, and the four boys walked in, talking intently. 

"She hates me," James whined.

"Nah, she doesn't," Sirius said bracingly. 

"She was so mad at me all day," James said sulkily as he dragged his feet across the floor. 

"James, Lily was just annoyed," Remus said comfortingly. 

"Yeah, and now she hates me!" James cried, plonking himself down on the bed.

Sirius snorted. 

"She's had enough time to hate you, Prongs," he said. "It wouldn't have started today,"

Peter was the first one who noticed something. 

He thought he was the only one who received it, but then he noticed at all four of the Marauders had received it. Only the parchment was folded differently. 

As Peter picked the boat made of folded parchment up from his bed, Remus had also spotted his. Sirius followed Remus' gaze and grinned.

"A love letter?" Sirius said, wiggling his eyebrows at the folded least it looked like one. 

"You've got one too," Remus pointed out and that's when James and Sirius noticed it. 

James had sat over his paper swan, and Sirius picked up his paper airplane. 

"It's a letter," Peter said. He had just thought of unfolding the origami. 

"Why the heck is it like this?" James muttered angrily as he tried to unfold the swan. 

Sirius Black,
This is an invitation. Please come to the first room on the seventh floor, right-hand corridor, opposite the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy and his dancing trolls. Do make sure that you arrive by no later than nine o'clock, tomorrow, the third of September. 
This letter and the location mentioned is to be kept a secret. More information will be divulged tomorrow.

Hoping to see you tomorrow. 
Thank you.'

"There is no room on the seventh floor, right-hand side," James muttered. 

"Did you get one too?" Sirius asked around. All three of them nodded.

Remus opened his mouth to read out the letter. " To, Remus Lupin. . .This is an invi—!"

His eyes went wide as his tongue suddenly rolled back, almost choking him. 

"Tongue-tying jinx?" James said as Remus' tongue came undone and stopped trying to choke him. 

"Yeah," Remus managed to say, panting slightly.

"There is a PS," Peter pointed out. 

"Should have told that before!" James snapped when he read the postscript.

The parchment is jinxed and the jinx has been activated the moment your fingers touched it. Not a word of what was read can be spoken. 
The message will vanish within three minutes of opening the letter. Hope you remember the necessary details.'

Sure enough, three minutes later, the ink vanished without a trace.

"Who the hell. .?" Sirius grumbled as he threw the now empty parchment onto his bed. 

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