Chapter 170

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Isabella found herself sitting in McGonagall's office Thursday afternoon.

It was an arranged meeting. Career advise for all seventh years, their teachers' final reports and advice from the head of house.

"I really don't have anything in particular to interest me, professor," Isabella said, looking at the numerous pamphlets before her.

She didn't want to be a Healer, not an Auror, or a Ministry official at all. She didn't want to be doing anything with professional Quidditch, nor did she want to work for Gringotts. She didn't fancy curse breaking, or working with extremely dangerous animals. Exploring runes was interesting, but not in the long run. Runes were extremely guarded, and a lot of paperwork went to that and not just the deciphering. 

"However," she said dejectedly. "I was thinking I could try to work in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement for a few years, before looking for a place in the Wizengamot,"

McGonagall looked at her with kind eyes.

"I dare say you can do it," the professor said. 

There wasn't much said after that. McGonagall only asked her about her studies and how she was holding up. 

Isabella didn't give much thought to what she wanted to do. Mostly because she wasn't sure if she had to worry about it at all. 

She quite liked Arithmancy, and she would like to explore wandlore a bit further. Nothing professional, of course. Just to satisfy her curiosity. 

Divination was a passtime hobby of hers and so was Anceint Runes. She liked Herbology and was paying a lot more attention recently. Care of Magical Creatures was just one of her favourites. 

Transfiguration, Potions, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts all had an almost equal threshold with her. They were all important. 

She liked History of Magic too, there was a lot to learn from the past. She liked Astronomy because reading planetary movements and alignments and trying to find patterns was just fascinating.

"Do you think I am indecisive?" Isabella asked Regulus as they sat in the Room of Requirement.

"No," Regulus said simply. "I think this is what you always do,"

"So, I'm always indecisive?" Isabella said sulkily.

They were sitting before the fire again, curled up on the sofa, Regulus reading a book and Isabella consulting the pamphlets again. 

"No," Regulus said. "You like doing everything, so you do everything. And asking you to pick one is just ridiculous,"

"But I can't really do everything, can I?" Isabella said waving a hand at the pamphlets. 

"You'll find something you like to do," Regulus said kissing the top of her head. 

"What about you?" Isabella asked. 

Regulus shrugged.

"Department of International Magical Cooperation," he said dryly.

"You really don't want to work there, do you?" Isabella said bracingly.

"Course not," Regulus said. "But it is the best option.  And apparently, you can make good enough connections to make travelling abroad easier,"

"Is that all the reason is?" Isabella said.

"And the money," Regulus pointed out. "Mother says I don't have to work. . . I'm not going to listen to that,"

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