Chapter 98

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The past few days were the most exhausting days Isabella had experienced.

And that day was just as troublesome. 

"Happy Valentines Day," Warrington said, slightly pink in the face as he lowered Black into Isabella's bag. 

"And no, Regulus isn't my gift," he joked.

"Lame joke, Warrington," Black said lazily as he made himself comfortable in the bag. 

"Shut up," Warrington snapped back.

"Happy Valentines Day, to you too," Isabella said with a nod, then set off to the Great Hall, Warrington and Black accompanying her. 

She took her usual place at the Great Hall, which was crowded. She usually liked being the first person in the Hall, but she couldn't inconvenience Warrington by forcing him to wake up early just because she wanted to sit in peace. 

And Valentines Day meant love letters and howlers conveying heartfelt messages flying around.


Isabella had just taken Black out of her bag, and both of them froze. 

That was Sirius' voice.

"Hey," James said as he slipped into a seat before her. Sirius said down beside him. Remus took a seat to Isabella's right, while Peter took the left. 

Very uncomfortable seating according to Isabella. And according to Black too, she was sure.

"You want to be around for the show," James said grinning widely and Isabella was certain she didn't want to be around for the show.

"Is that a new cat?" Sirius asked and Black froze solid.

"Yes," Isabella answered. "He won't be around for long. I'm just taking care of him for a while,"

"Another stray?" Peter said. "You like cats, don't you?"

"Yes," Isabella said. "Don't you?"

"Not a fan," Peter muttered and Isabella hid her smirk. Peter's animagus was a rat, obviously, he didn't like cats.

"How about we introduce Snuffles to him!" James said brightly.

"No," Isabella said sharply. "No Snuffles,"

"Alright, alright," Sirius laughed.

Remus rolled his eyes. "What's his name?" he asked.

Isabella looked at the cat, who looked back just as struck at the moment.

". . .Ebony," Isabella said in a while. It was a synonym for black, after all. 

"White and Ebony, nice," James nodded approvingly. 

"It's Snow, not white," Remus corrected.

Then to Isabella's exasperation, hundreds of owls swooped into the Great Hall. 

Oh, wasn't this just swell. 

Black seemed to have as far away as possible from Sirius. 

"Why does he have to eat on a plate, at the table that too?" Peter asked.

"He's a bit spoiled," Isabella said simply and Black glared up at him.

"Ah," Peter nodded, understanding. 

An owl landed in front of Sirius, who had toast in one hand, and a butter knife in the other.

"Oi, James read it for us," Sirius said, going back to buttering his toast. 

Starry skies and GardeniasOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora