Chapter 126

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One cold morning, Hogwarts woke up to find itself covered in snow.

Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures lessons were cancelled for the day, and they were allowed to spend some time inside.

Hagrid wasn't there, and there was no one available to make sure that the grounds were at least in an 'okay' condition for the students. They could hardly battle their way through waist-high freezing snow.

Isabella didn't really care. She slipped off outside and went straight to the Forest. She could just use her magic to get rid of the snow in her secret spot.

But Isabella didn't stay in the Forbidden Forest for long, instead, she went to her dormitory. It was empty and she liked it that way.

She changed into her pyjamas, not planning to leave the dormitory any time for the rest of the day, and climbed into bed. Care of Magical Creatures was their period for the day, and it had just gotten cancelled. She might as well go to bed.

She summoned her sketchbook and pencils and propped pillows behind her back to be comfortable.

"Snow," Isabella called and she heard a soft meow from under the bed. A few seconds later, Snow wiggled out of the dark, and jumped onto the bed, before curling up beside Isabella.

She had no idea what to draw, so she just placed her pencil lead on the paper, and started scribbling.

Sketching was the only thing she did without planning. She was free to scribble whichever way she wished and watch where it took her. Sometimes it would turn out wonderful, and sometimes it would just be vague scribblings on paper.

But she didn't have to think. She didn't want to think. But it wasn't as easy as that, so she put it off for as long as she could.

She didn't know what she was doing, only that she was doing something.

. . .Maybe that is the feeling of accomplishment the others got. The feeling that they weren't sitting idle, but doing something. Maybe that was what was pushing them forward.

It wasn't the same for Isabella. She couldn't do it without at least a basic plan.

And in all honesty, if she thought about it. . .why was she even doing all this? There was no reason for her.

. . .Other than the fact that there was a secret, cursed casket in the corner of her trunk, with valuable information only available to her.

She would have just left it all to Dumbledore, but the books wouldn't let anyone but her touch them, let alone read them.

If not her, then whom? Was she just supposed to sit back and watch everything?

But what if she messed it all up? What if everything goes down the drain, because of her?

It was a worry that couldn't be ignored. She had to be extremely careful. Even the slightest mistake on her part could bring everything down.

Isabella squinted at her drawing. Why the hell would she draw that?

Well, it did make sense if she thought about it. It was a mistake she had made. And she had to rectify it, no matter what.

She closed her eyes wearily and then opened them after a few seconds.

This is why she liked drawing, she didn't have to follow rules so rigidly. She didn't have to . . .

Isabella trailed off, thinking. It was as though she was hit by an epiphany.

"Snow!" Isabella cried excitedly, putting her book down and picking her cat up.

"Can you go find him?" she asked.

Starry skies and GardeniasМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя