Chapter 102

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It is not that he didn't try. It is not that he wanted to, but he just couldn't help it. Sometimes he wouldn't realise that he was doing it for a few minutes. His eyes seemed to scan the place for a certain brunette, even though he didn't want to.

Regulus looked away.

Not again!

He didn't know why this kept happening?!. . .Well, yes, it was intriguing and he would like to quench his curiosity, but this was just concerning. 

"Oi. . .," Marcus said, slightly concerned. "Are you going to drink that anytime soon?"

Regulus had his goblet raised, an inch from his lips, but that was it. He was sitting in that position for at least three minutes now, staring up ahead.

"Yes," Regulus said shortly. He dropped his gaze to his goblet, and downed it, which only resulted in him spilling half his coffee down the front of his robes, and almost choked, then went into a coughing fit.

"What the hell?" Marcus said as Regulus got to his feet, swearing between coughs. 

"You alright, mate?" Marcus said, now terribly concerned. 

"I'm fine," Regulus said stiffly, and then he pulled his wand out and started cleaning his robes, removing the coffee from the fabric. 

"Marcus," Regulus said suddenly, straightening his robes and then sitting down at the table again. 

"Why do you fancy Jefferson?" he asked.

Marcus blinked. What? 

"Or rather," Regulus continued. "How did you know that you fancied her? Fancied anyone for that,"

"What's wrong with you?" Marcus said, puzzled. "Are sick or something?"

"I might be, that is why I am asking," Regulus said casually. 

Marcus stared at Regulus for a few minutes before speaking again.

"I dunno," he shrugged. "You just find out,"

"Very helpful," Regulus said sardonically, rolling his eyes.

He was desperately hoping that it wasn't what it seemed. 

He did not fancy Isabella Jefferson. He did not want to. He simply must not. 

And he wanted to cross out that possibility before deciding that there was indeed something wrong with him.

He seriously suspected the potions he had touched. They must have done something. 

Thursdays meant too much interaction with the Gryffindors.

Slytherins had Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Care of Magical Creatures and Arithmancy with Gryffindors.

And it was never this troublesome for Regulus as it was now. 

It started with Arithmancy. 

Regulus always sat in the front of the class, he did the same today too. 

When he entered the class, along with his other classmates, he noticed at Jefferson was already sitting in her usual seat at the back of the classroom. Her head was supported by her hand, as she stared at the book on her table, her eyes darting across the page as she read.

Regulus shook his head and took his usual seat. 

Now he understood. Being the only one in an empty classroom immediately gets anyone's attention. No wonder every teacher knew her even though she didn't do anything in particular. 

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