3: Meeting the other school Royal.

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"Are you hungry?" Dara nodded.

"Yes actually but I am short of cash for now so I will settle for cereal." Courage rolled her eyes.

"Abeg jare babe there is this new cheap restaurant that just opened let go and try their food." Dara frowned.

"But I just told you that I don't really have much money." Courage rolled her eyes.

"I know that but don't worry I am going to sponsor you." Dara's smile grew.

"Then what are we waiting for let go!"

"This girl literally did that!" Louis said bewildered.

"I was surprised too! I think she is a new student that why she did not know who I was." Dele looked up from his phone.

"Even at that you are going to teach a lesson." Dele said bored.

"Of course I am, nobody is allowed to challenge my authority! If she thinks that her smart mouth will get her any where then she is awful mistaken." The side of his lips curled up as his phone dinged.

He pulled it out and started looking into her personal information. "You know you shouldn't be doing that right?" Kelson snatched the phone from him and before he could blink all information was gone.

"What do you want? Why are you here?" Kelson rolled his eyes.

"You and I both know you probably provoked the poor lady first maybe with your poor manners."

There it goes again! Kelson was all about manners that he sometimes wonder how they are brothers and best friend.

"Don't talk to me like that." They all knew in the group that Kelson was the only one that could successfully challenge Kelvin's authority but that didn't mean that they wouldn't take a bullet for each other.

"You know that I do not condole such things and if I allow her together away with it she would save away but others do it again." Kelson rolled his eyes.

"Guy you are in five hundred level already can we just stop all this and grow up." Kelvin stood up.

"I am leaving if you have nothing tangible to say to me!" Dele and Louis followed suit.

"There is this new restaurant I will want to try out but seeing as Kelvin is being stupid would you like to go so that we can eat quickly, we are hungry as fuck!" Dele nodded.

Kelson watched as Kelvin entered his car and zoomed off. He rolled his eyes and he move towards his own car.

"Abeg let leave." He entered his own car and Dele followed after him.

They got to the restaurant in record time and parked on a secluded side of the lot.

"This restaurant is a little to small for me." Dele walked towards him and he rolled his eyes.

"Let go in jare." They both walked towards the restaurant that read.

Nancy's Spice.

Entering, the first thing Kelson heard was a commotion, he frowned.

"I thought you said that they are opening for the first time, why is there so much noise."

Kelson entered the small restaurant to come face to face with a two girls, one had a soul expression on her face why the other looked utterly displeased.

He walked towards the commotion to get a better view and understanding of what was happening.

"Why would you want to kick us out! We are also guest here!" The manager rolled his eyes.

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