32: Restraining order.

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"Stop! We are not done here," she took in another trying deep breath, she wanted to punch the lawyer in the face, could he do this to them?

"What is it?" she asked not turning, "my client and I have requested from the judge and although we cannot without your consent take over your caretaking, your caretaker is to report your health changes to your parents, who you will be living with, I have tried to contact your caretaker but his line is not going through, I will very much appreciate it if you could give me a line that could go through," the lawyer stated mechanically.

"I want to see her before I leave," the DPO scoffed, "I am sorry but it is stipulated here that she is in not to come in contact with you, knowingly," she looked down feeling like she was sinking.

"Look, just go back to your parent's house, it is best for everyone," he tried to convince her again, "you will never have to worry about money again, your child can get the education she deserves," Dara wiped the drop of tears that fell, "I want her treated, and if they have damaged any of her property, I want her compensated and I want her compensated for taking care of me for this long."

"She kidnapped you!" the DPO said again, "I am not putting you ad your child at risk! We trying to help here even if you do not see it," he said becoming frustrated, "I will see her and say a proper goodbye and I do not give two flying shit what that stupid restraining order says!" she yelled startling Layo. Kola nodded at the client before he could object, had frowned at the gesture but carried on with his job, they were paying well for the job, and he could not fuck it up,

"I am sure like everyone else you are exhausted with the back and forth, my client has agreed that you will be given five minutes but you are going to stay with them or else you lose custody and all charges levied against her will not be dropped," she nodded quickly, before grabbing Layo and practically sprinting for the door.

As soon as she walked out of the door, she was bombarded by Nisi and Nife who heard her yelling but could not decipher what was going on, "what happened? Why do you look like you have lost everything you have?" she asked grabbing her hands.

"That... That is because I have! They made me sign a restraining order! I can never see aunty Keasha or she will go to jail!" Nisi's and Nife's mouths hung open. "How did that happen?" Nice asked curious, "they said she kidnapped me and they have been looking for me! They said she falsified my birth certificate and changed my name without my parent's consent, child abuse and everything they could find!"

"Let us leave here first then we can properly talk," Dara nodded as more tears fell from her eyes, she felt like she was drowning and she could not be pulled out, "I need to see her, I need to say goodbye, Layo would want to say goodbye," she sniffed.

"I'm sorry darling, I'm sorry," Dara nodded and they walked toward Keasha who still sat behind the counter, "aunty Keasha," she said remorsefully, she felt angry that she was losing the only parental figure she had in her life, again because of her parent's selfish nature, "Dara? What do they say? Why did they arrest me? How is Layo?"

"I am sorry, I got you in this mess as this is the only way I can get you out of it, I am sorry," Keasha shook her head failing to understand what she meant by that. "What are you talking about?" Kershaw frowned, as she watched Kola, the DPO, Maria, Temi and the lawyer file out.

"You need to leave, you cannot be here," a policeman walked toward them, "I am sorry," she said feeling pained as they separated them. Layo quietly watched them wondering what was going on.

"Come, Dara, we have much to do," the lawyer said, "I am going back to school, I am not going anywhere with you guys," she gritted out, before she could move, the policeman yanked Keasha, earning a painful moan and a gasp, "what are you doing?!" Dara yelled.

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