17: Gaining A friend.

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"Hello! Where the fuck are you?" Kelvin said agitated, he rubbed his sleepy eyes, feeling exhausted. It was about seven in the morning and he had tried to call Kelson over and over again.

"I just woke up! And I just... wait... Why are you with Dara's phone?" his eyes opened wider after realizing he was supposed to be talking to Dara who had left several missed calls.

"Dara collapsed!" he stated, panic in his eyes, Kelson shot up, and shook.

"What the hell happened? Where the fuck are you?" he inquired panicked and pulled his shorts up and grabbed apollo.

"I don't know! That hospital we went to that day! It is near school! I am scared she just went that and she was barely breathing! It has been almost two hours now and the doctor is saying nothing!"

"Do not panic, just stay where you are, I will reach you in fifteen minutes," he shouted into the phone closing his hostel room quickly. He walked out of the hostel to see Luis and Dele approaching him with Luis's car.

"Heyy man! What up? You looked panicked and stressed..."

"Can you drive me to the hospital where I was admitted?" he questioned with urgency in his four. Luis scanned him, removing the cigar from his mouth, "What wrong?"

"Answer my fucking question!" he snapped, making Dele frown, "enter man! Why the tone! We are just worried about you!" he said almost in surrender. Kelson entered the car and slam the door shut. Dele and Luis watched as he talked on his phone rapidly.

"Will you tell us why we are going to the hospital?" Dele asked as they got to the check point of their school.

"Just drive man! I need to be there asap."

Soon after, they got to the hospital and Kelson almost flew out of the car, he ran into the hospital with Dele chasing after him, Luis would have followed but he knew he had to park his car in a place.

"What the fuck man? Why the hell did you just out of the car like that?" he asked aggressively as they ran up the stairs toward another wing. He ran toward the emergency wing and finally sighted Kelvin who was still panting around.

He ran toward him, "Kelvin! What the fuck happened?" he asked as soon as Kelvin sighted him.

"I do not know man! I... She saw me on the rooftop and we talked and she just started complaining about a bad headache, she said it had happened before and I was scared that it was near than I would be able to handle."

"Fuck! Fuck! Why did I fucking fall asleep!" he gritted out rubbing his eyes.

"What did the doctor say?" Dele asked as his friend panted trying to calm himself down.

"He is not out yet, I do not know what exactly is wrong but she was acting very scary man! It was some deep shit!" he gritted out.

"Guy wetin happen why are we here?" Luis questioned looking around, "Dara is here, collapsed or something he said worriedly. Sitting next to Kelson on the cold mental bench-like chair the hospital had allocated.

"Are you sure you did not do anything? The last time she had something like that! She had a Deja Vu and somewhat mind of remembering something from the past!"

"No man I swear! She was just standing there looking somewhat intimated and annoyed and she just started complaining about a severe headache. I swear I did not do anything to harm her, I swear..." Kelson rubbed his eyes feeling exhausted, he prayed nothing happened to her, he would not be able to handle breaking it to her family.

The doctor walked out of the room, walking toward them, already recognizing Kelson, "good evening Mr. Kelson," he greeted and Kelson nodded anxiously. They circled him, listening attentively, "what is the wrong doctor?" he asked worriedly.
"She is awake Mr. Kelson, but I am worried now more than ever, you are her caretaker, and it a lot of work. Her memory's condition is worse, it might be hard to remember how to perform basic task."

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