13: Back to unfamiliar surroundings.

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"Doctor she is different, everything about her, it is like I do not know this new Dara, everything is just off with her." Keasha lamented.

"I am sorry ma, but there is nothing we can do about this, amnesia is a case study and different patients react differently to it and take different parts, I know it is not easy on you but you have to understand that patience and love is all she needs, everything will be fine," he tried to assure her.

"Thank you, doctor," Keasha sighed and collected Dara's monthly reception from the doctor, it had been one month since Dara woke up and she was discharged two weeks before, everything had changed, her personality, her demeanor, everything, it was as if she hit her head and lost her memories and her too.

Keasha visited the hospital to do for a go-ahead for Dara to return to school, Dara seemed bothered when the subject was brought up, but it worried her more and more that if she did not return to school she would be expelled soon, that school did not give many options to scholarship students. She sighed and entered the tricycle, thinking about what their peaceful lives have become after entering that university.

The school was good but it was one trouble after the other, Layo was getting longer by the day without her mother by her side and it was like Dara desipesed her, all efforts to bring them closer were in vain. She could not stand to be in the same room with her daughter and Keasha had to assume the full caretaker role. She just prayed she regained her memories soon.

She was no better to her friends, Kelson had visited her at home with a couple of friends from school and his brother, she remembered that day well, how she took one glance at them and walked away, Keasha had made them feel at home and Kelvin the boy that almost drowned just sat there a bit stunned by the sudden change of character, Kelson was not stunned to be caused she had shunned him and made sarcastic remarks.

She sometimes wondered how he could still put a big smile on his lips after everything she had done to him, he brought her flowers every day and some note from school for her to read, Keasha remembered vividly how she dumbed the notes in his laps and asked how she was supposed to remember any of the bullshit inside the books he was giving her. She had physically gasped at the remarks she had made, Kelson just smiled and explained in detail what they were doing.

It was difficult explaining a five hundred law course to a person that the knowledge of a JSS one girl; she had to restart everything and so far it was going well, it was as if he just had to remind her of the things she had done, she was indeed an exceptional student after all.

"Madam no be your stop be this?" the tricycles questioned, she looked around realizing she had gotten home, she nodded and pulled out a five hundred naira note from her purse and handed it to him.

"Thank you oga take," he nodded and drove off, and the doctor explained that it would not be safe to leave her alone in school, she would require special needs, Kelson had volunteered to be the help, and he had taken some online courses and gotten second opinions from the best doctors he could find.

He seemed to recover fine, his mother had insisted he flew out to Romania with them but he refused, it was his final year and he knew that he had to do well to finish with good grades. Besides, he was still recovering and could not travel at that moment.

Keasha entered the house to find Dara already packed and set, "Dara, you are packed?" she asked and Dara nodded, "Kelson is coming to pick me up, I fed Layo and took her to her friend's house, she described the place to me and told me we went there often a time when I got there, the woman just smiled and collected her, I got lost on my way home though, I went there, so it was really difficult to get back home."

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