38: Unlikely plan.

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"I cannot fucking believe they would do that!" Kelson said shaking his head as he drove them toward school, Dara had her eyes closed while Layo was in the back sit playing with one of the barbie dolls.

"I am exhausted, I cannot do this any longer, exams are in three days and look at what I am dealing with!" she said softly, Kelson glanced at her face had was swollen, she was light skin so the part where she had been slapped had turned to a reddish colour.

"I am sorry about all of this, it is not a place where Layo should be raised, it nor healthy," Kelson said glancing at Layo who couldn't care less about what was going on around her. She was in her little world and she loved it.

"The way she confidently said it to my face about me being kidnapped, I wanted her hair out! I was so frustrated, they are the perfect victims and no matter what I do I will end up being the bad guy!"

He rubbed her hands as he turned toward the gate of their school, "children are not allowed in the hostel overnight Dara, let me just lodge at a hotel or something. We can figure this out by tomorrow."

Dara nodded, she was too exhausted to even think about anything, everything went south today and she just wanted to sleep the stress off. They pulled up to a hotel and got down.

"But you know what you did was not crazy! The girl is right to be angry!" Kola said infuriated by his wife's nonchalance in a problem she had orchestrated.

"I just wanted to give the child a dollhouse, Kola is that too much to do? She is the one that needs to learn a lesson! She is too rude for my liking! I am her mother and the way she dissected me was disgusting!" she said and continued applying the face mask on her face.

"We have abandoned the girl..."

"You abandoned the girl, not me Kola! I was following your leadership and look where it has got us! An ungrateful rude child that is entitled and behaves very independently! She is twenty years old! What does she know about raising a child?"

"You have done it for seven years remember?" Kola pointed out, "oh please! Miss me that with bullshit,  Keasha was the one doing all the work, Dara got to go to school and everything. All I am just saying is that she is having as if she is the mother of Mary when he gave her last records of smoking weed and drinking badly."

Kola shook his head not recognising the woman sitting on the stool in their room, "how could you say that about your daughter? How could you lack this much empathy for her?" he queried feeling somewhat overwhelmed.

"I do not know what you are talking about, all I say is the truth, she was a violent drunk, we can use that in court..."

"Stop! Stop right there, Maria! I am tired of hearing the court this and court that, we are not taming Dara anywhere! What is your problem? I thought we trying to seek her forgiveness?"

"I was until she turned out to be a serious bitch! So you know how many insults she threw at me and I would smile through it all! I am not going to take that shit anymore," she stood and walked toward the bed, she pulled the blue duvet and got unto the bed, "are you coming to bed or not?" Kola shook his head and left the room angrily.

A door knock resonated from the room, Dara walked toward it feeling exhausted, the last few days have been crazy, and she did not know how hard it was to raise a kid on her own. Layo was a generally quiet kid but it does not mean it was any less hard.

Kelson had rushed out for an emergency and she couldn't stop him, he has being good to her for the past few days, and he was paying for the hotel they were staying and she could not have asked for more.

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