9: The pain of familiar betrayal.

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-Cape Town South Africa.

"Sorry, sorry." Maria rubbed the chest of her husband, saddened. She swallowed looking toward her children. "Go and bring more water Temi," she begged, Temi sighed and stood up sluggishly making her way out of the room.

"No... No... Th... There is no use... for all... For all that..." he managed to let out, his voice hoarse and in pain.

"Please don't talk, you will get worse by talking, just wait let Temi bring you water so you can at least feel better."

"I know... I know... Am not getting better... I know am not getting better... Maria, it is useless..." he started making more tears run down her eyes.

"Don't... Don't cry my love..." he stammered.

"But why? Why is God punishing us like this? We haven't done anything wrong!" Maria lamented.

"Everything will... be alright, don't worry about me." he coughed again multiple times spitting out blood. He swallowed taking a deep breath with much struggle and pain.

"I haven't been... the best husband to you... Nor... Have... I have... Have I been the best fath... Father to... To... To my child... My children..." he swallowed.

"Please just don't talk..." she wiped her nose away. "Where is this water!" she yelled toward the door.

"I am... I am so... Sorry... Just... I... I... Need... I need to see... Her... Pls... Get... Her back here... That... That is the... only way I can die in peace..."

"You will not die! I pray you won't... The doctor said you won't... You will get better... I swear you will... Just try and get well... Pls!" tears ran down her eyes, grief and anguish consumed her. Everything has been done, to try and stop the death of her husband but nothing was working.

Flying him around wasn't doing anything and now he was talking about death? That wasn't what she wanted. We didn't think much about the sickness when it had started now, she now was beside the man she vowed never to speak go again.

"I... Don... Don't need... Need more... Doc..." he coughed out more blood, feeling pain in every part of his body, he took in a harsh breath, his eyes widening.

"I... I want to see my daughter..." he forced out, Maria blinked looking away, she did not want to remember what he had made her lose, "we cannot..."

"Pl... Please..." he pleaded to interrupt her, "this is my last wish, I want... No! I need her forgiveness... I have done things that I am not proud of and I can not just begin to fathom how hard it must have been for her."

Maria looked away, Temi walked in with a maid, she walked quickly toward him and helped him up, he shook his head declining the cup of water, "I want to see her! I need to see her! I can not live with myself knowing what I did..." he lamented, tears fell rapidly from his dropping her. He wept in regret of his past actions as he pulled Temi's and Maria's hands.

"I am sorry... I am so sorry for whatever I have done to you that might be cruel! Nothing can make it better or easier but I want to make amends!" Maria shook her head.

"You do not need to apologize to me! You are my husband, it will never change, I beg you to save whatever little strength you have so that you will not become weaker!" Maria begged.

"Temi! I want you to find her! Darasimi, anywhere you can! I want to see her, I am begging you! This is my last request!" he pleaded, squeezing his hands. Temi stared at his father, he felt a weight on his chest as he glanced at the doorway, where his other sister stood.

Darasimi was disowned and disinherited, she could be anywhere at the moment. Even with the best private investigator, they would need months if not years to find her.

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