11: Ten years backward.

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"I do not know what to say, ma, her head has a severe wound and it is healing up but it will take longer for her to wake up." Keasha took in a deep breath hugging Omolayo tighter, the girl would not sleep, she tried to take her home but she became hysterical.

Dara was not waking up and it has been three days. She was beginning to get worried about the consequences of her not being able to wake up. Omolayo will become an orphan. How would she cope without her mother?

"But doctor is there nothing that could be done to help her?" questioned, the doctor shook her head.

"She will eventually wake up and put your mind at rest," they all nodded, and the doctor walked out of the room saying nothing else.

"I am so tired!" Keasha lamented and closed her eyes feeling drained, "ma do not worry everything will be alright!" Kelson comforted surprising Stephen who followed him around the hospital, making sure he was okay, his wounds were still healing but he had insisted against everyone's better judgment.

Kelvin had stopped visiting after they fought over his decision to follow Dara with all of his friends backing up Kelvin for one reason or the other. Even his parents were not happy about if, she had refused to listen to her pleas. He was later left alone to his vices.

"I did not want her to go to that school o! She could have just stayed in her school and everything would have been fine! She can not just be like this now! What am going to do now?" she questions bitter tears rushing down her eyes as she tried to will herself to cry.

"Ma, please just have faith! I am sure she is going to be fine! Nothing will happen to her in Jesus' name!" Keasha nodded trying to have faith that everything will eventually go well.

"You are a good boy! I am sure your parents must be happy to have a son like you!" Stephen almost choked on his spit wearing what Keasha had just said, good son?! From where to where?

Kelson nodded smiling and looked back at Dara, she was better than that night, although she still looked ghastly pale, "ma we have to check on my brother, and we want to buy food, do you want anything?" he asked standing to his feet.

"Oh do not worry about me. I ate before coming, but Layo has refused to eat anything. I don't know what is wrong with her en?!"

"Hey..." Kelson bent to bow to her level, Layo looked up from the shoulder of Keasha, she stared at him curiously, watching him smile, "do not you want to eat ice cream and big chicken?"

She looked back at Keasha who smiled at her, she turned back to Kelson and nodded slowly, he grinned happily that he got a positive response, "don't worry, I will buy you a very big chicken and a big bucket of ice cream and if you are a good girl we can go to amusement park ones mummy is awake." he cajoled her, before rising to his full length, giving Keasha a brief nod and glancing at Dara before walking out of the room, Stephen following closely.

"Guy I never knew you had a soft spot for kids?" he started, as they made their way out of the hospital three policemen joining them. Kelson could not help but feel trapped as they followed him around, he pressed his car keys and the doors opened.

"And the way you talk about Dara, one would think you and her are in love."

"Stop Stephen! I don't like it."

"Why are you getting offended, Kelson? It is merely a joke! Can you not take a joke?" he teased smirking as his cousin clenched his fist. Stephen entered the driver's side of his car and kicked it alive.

"Why are you even here anyways? Can you not just stay back and watch Dara, policemen are already watching me!" he asked exasperated.

"Cousin, why are you so offended when I bring up Dara? Do not worry, I will not let anyone know alright? I got you man!" he grinned annoying Kelson all the more.

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