15: Underground party, new or old faces.

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"Where are we going Kelson?" she asked and followed him down the stairs, her eyes widened as she heard distance, and she held his eyes tightly as a man standing by the door looking very tall and huge.

"Heyy Fado! Relax she is my guest," he said smiling, he took her hands in his and entered the booming place together with her, "wow! This is a lot! How..."

"Don't ask questions," he yelled over the loud music looking around the room to try and find his brother among the sea of people, "what are you doing?!" she yelled out asking. He pulled her forward not answering the question, he walked toward a group sitting.

He smiled and took a sit by their side, they all stared at both of them, three guys sat next to them, and four girls sat with them, all made more, wearing appropriate outfits, "what are you doing here?!" Kelvin yelled, his eyes flying to her, "who is he?" Dara asked looking between Kelvin and Kelson, they look at each other, communicating through the eyes.

"Dara this is my twin brother Kelvin," he pointed at the guy who had very similar traits to him but had a permanent scowl etched on his face.

"Hi," she pushed her arms crossed for him to shake but he refused to pull them out and shake them back, she pulled his hands forcefully and shook her hands with his earning a gasp from a girl that was sitting next to him.

One thing Kelvin hated was people touching him and he had promised himself to turn a new leaf but it was getting increasingly harder, "what is wrong with you? Close your mouth, fly might enter it," Dele glanced at Kelson who smiled awkwardly at them.

Dara looked around the party then her eyes flew back to Kelson, "will you not introduce me to your other friends or should I do myself a pleasure?" the girls glared at her. She was dressed in very basic clothing and talked very basic, why was he even hanging around her?

"I will do the honors," he whispered to her and turned to Dele, "this is Dele, and this is Luis, they are my friends and we All are friends now," he said making emphasis on the 'All'.

"It's nice to meet all of you, I am glad he brought me here, the school has been lonely without friends,"

"Friends?" a girl said not living her ears, "you friends with them? What a joke!" she stood to her feet and walked away leaving Dele who glared at Kelson and his new friend, "so what level are you guys?" she threw the question out and picked up Kelvins drink shocking them.

Kelson pulled it from her grip earning him a groan, "you are not supposed to be near alcohol for the time being Dara."

"You are so boring you know, why did you bring me to the party if I am not allowed to have a little bit of fun, besides I am legal so you cannot tell me what to do!" she argued.

"You might be legal but you have the brain of a twelve-year-old so, for now, I will continue watching everything you did," Dara rolled her eyes and groaned, sighed, "so Kelvin, I asked a question before you did not answer me," Kelvin glared at Kelson, he is eyes went back to Dara wearing a grim expression. She shifted feeling a little uncomfortable.

What was his problem? Why was he so cold? She could feel the chill just from his gaze. She turned to Dele, who was not happy with the girl he had left him, "I am not answering your question Dara leave me the hell out of your debacle," he snapped rudely before she could open her mouth.

"Geez what is wrong with you people? I am just trying to be nice here, Kelvin work on your expression, it's sad to see just a pretty face always frowning, you will get wrinkles from that grim expression you are wearing... And now you are looking at me as if you want to murder me..."

"Where is Stephen?" Kelson asked pulling Dara to his side, he looked around and accepted Chapman from a waiter, "here, enjoy," he said smiling, she sighed and took the Chapman and sipped on the stroll.

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