28: Pain of past abandonment.

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Gasps and shock pulled through the room, Dara looked down feeling angry at her fate, "what do you mean by that?" Abdul queried, Luis could not move from where he was, no wonder she was so frozen and uncomfortable throughout the time they were there. The way she looked at him when he asked to apologise was a look of utter betrayal.

"We have not been the best and most honest people and the real reason we came here is to find Darasimi, my husband and I were not the best people then and we are trying to get better. We are sorry Dara, we know how hard it must have been for you as a child to be raising a child yourself."

Another shock took over the room, "child? You have a child?" Bimbo her up and down and looked back at them. The stories were not adding up, why are things like this? What happened?

"I want to go home," Dara said again to Luis who stood there unmoving, "please do not leave just yet, your father and I finally found you, we can not just let you go like that!"

"I am having a bad headache, can we just leave Luis, it was a bad idea coming here," she said ignoring them. "Darasimi," her father called her name gently, her eyes were red, "please just listen to your mother, we apologise, I apologise for all the harm we have caused."

"I don't want to talk to you people, I do not want to be anywhere near you, I just want to go home. If Luis will just take me home the nightmare will fucking end!"


"No! Luis let us go, just take me out of here!" with a glare from Bimbo Luis did not dare move from where he was, "why don't we give you people the privacy you need," Bimbo said with a fake smile.

"I do not want privacy with these people I want to leave! Why are you doing this Luis?! Let us go..."

Luis followed his mother out quietly, leaving Dara feeling more betrayed, "sister," Temi tried to say but she scoffed.

"You people need to stop! I am not... I do not want to speak to you..." she repeated. Her head ached started pounding, and her eyes started drooping, she knew she was not going to last any longer.

Her father took one step toward her and she was flat on the floor, in shock ran through them and they ran toward her in a panic yelling for help from the other room.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Bimbo asked looking around, "we do not know exactly! We..."

"Dara! Fuck! I should have taken her back when she asked me to, Kelvin is going to kill me!" Luis picked up his phone to ring Kelvin, he answered as soon as it started ringing, "where are you guys, I driving into your house, Dara texted, she was very panicked!"

"Don't get mad, but she... She..." he stuttered as they picked her limp body up, "call a doctor!" Bimbo yelled at him, "who is that?! Why are they calling a doctor?!" Kelvin tells into the phone. He pulled his car to a stop and hopped out of it.

Luis ran in the direction where they had taken her, he should have just listened to his mind, now he had placed Dara in danger and he was not going to hear of it.

It was currently raining heavily and it did not look as if it was going to ease up, Kelvin ran into the house and found Luis on the other side of the house in minutes, "where is she?! Where is Dara?" he shouted.

Luis could not say much, he sighed feeling utterly stupid, "I don't..."

"What happened why is no one answering ms?" he looked at all of Luis's silent siblings, he looked back at Luis who could not even look at his face.

"Gideon is in there, he is checking on her," Kelvin wants to faint. Checking up on her as if she was unconscious, "we need to get her to a hospital right now! Fuck! How did it lead to this!"

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