58: Rapist and unbelievable Pain.

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"You are saying Kelson was the rapist?" Luis said not believing his ears. Kelvin nodded sighing, "I was with mommy almost throughout the night, she caught me smoking and would not let me out of her sight. I had no idea that all this was going on I swear!"

Kelvin explained to Luis, Dele and Nifemi. Dara had passed out due to the number of tears and exhaustion. Luis had stormed back to Kelvin's house to check on them and wondered what exactly happened between them.

Kelson was nowhere to be found, it was like he vanish and his friend did not want to see him. Rape? That was crazy! Luis sat there trying to all everything sink in. Dara had a right to be devasted, she made Kelson her friend and he had turned out to be the one that ruined her life.

"I just wanted to make sure she was alright! I was scared she might do something drastic! I had no idea Stephen was calling us for this! He knew all this time and said nothing to us," Kelvin shook his head.

"I know that everything seems crazy right now but we all need to give Dara space. After her birthday and the stress she was put under she is bound to have a breakdown," Nifemi explained.

"Where is Kelson now? He has to be here! The issue is bigger than all of us can handle. Your parents must know." Dele started looking around the living room.

Kelvin's demeanour changed, "he left the house since and I have not him. I am too mad to even think of him, I just want Dara to be alright," Kelvin stated with a sad expression on his face.

"Take heart bro, we know how much Dara means to you and we are sorry that this is our predicament," Luis said seriously. Kelvin nodded, he did not need an apology, he just needed Dara to be fine.

Everything can never go to normal after what happened. And Kelson? He could not be found. He didn't even know what to think when it came to Kelson and the whole issue. He did not want to think about it at all. Dara was devasted, how could she not be, finding out your best friend was a clown and his actions ruined your life?

His phone sprang alive and he sat up, "mummy?" he said Stephen had communicated with Stephanie, about what he had found out and she had arrived in Nigeria not too long ago.

"I have been trying to reach Kelson but nothing, Is he with you?" Stephanie asked with urgency in her voice.

"I do not know where he is mummy, not after what he did," she muttered the last part. She sighed and rubbed her tired eyes, "we need to speak to the Oldele girl, all of us if Kelson truly has an eight-year-old. It will be the biggest scandal and we can not avoid another scandal on our hands not after what happened."

"Scandal?! Mummy, you know about it and this is what you have to say?" Kelvin asked not to be living his ears.

"Kelvin, I do not have time for your petty tantrums now, this issue is bigger than all of us! It could cause the biggest scandal and shake our lives! It could destroy us!"

"Mummy your son raped somebody and you are not even saying anything about that!" Stephanie sigh, "I cannot do this with you now Kelvin! What happened between them is bigger than all of us and our silly little feelings."

"You can find your son by yourself, I do not want to be involved in your plans!" Kelvin hung up angrily. He sighed and sank into the chair. He felt exhausted, he had texted Dara so many times that his hands were numb. He was exhausted, he was not sleeping very well too.

Everything that was happening was too much for him, it was from one palava to another. He just needed a break, he rubbed his eyes.
"I want to see Darasimi, it is important," Stephanie Said with urgency in her voice. Kelson and Stephanie had visited them but Kelvin refused, he did not go and no one could tell him otherwise, not after Dara looked so betrayed. He would never support Kelson and Stephanie in what they were doing.

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