60: Marriage of the elite.

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"Are you sure you have thought about this well?" Luis asked looking at her through the mirror. Dara could not look up at him. If she said a word, it might be for Luis to turn back and carry her back home.

Her heart beat so fast that it felt like it would jump out of her chest. Everything felt crazy, she felt like. She held Nisi's hands tightly for comfort. Dele was spotted next to Luis, who drove them to the registry. She had agreed just a few days ago to marry Kelvin and Kelvin had started planning everything silently. She was surprised at fast it was for him to finish everything.

The car stopped after a while in front of a registry. It felt more real than ever before, Layo was secretly pulled out of school for the wedding. She was playing that before her parents were alerted, the wedding was long over. Kelvin had arranged for the media's presence after the wedding was over.

Nisi squeezed her hands, giving her comfort, "you can do this," she muttered, and she earned a nod from Dara, she opened the door to the car and put her nose mask on. Her friend quickly rounded her, they walked into the registry and located Kelvin easily.

"Hey," he smiled softly at her. She could not look at him, she felt like she was betraying herself and her independence by marrying him but what choice did she have? She would lose her child to that's a disgusting man or her parents which was even worse. If marrying Kelvin would save them from all of that then she would do it gladly.

"Hi," she said silently. She took his hand, and they walked toward Omolayo who peeked at her mother. She smiled at her mother, "mummy!" she said excitedly. Her mother was in a beautiful white gown. It was not large but she still looked stunning, with barely any makeup.

She hugged her daughter, feeling reassured of her decision. She would not allow Omolayo to be a tool in the Oldele's or Robinson's sinister games.

"We should do this quickly, time is not on our side," Kelvin said making Dara stand up straight. She turned to him and smiled softly, "I am ready." she said with a firm voice, knowing that she could not back off now.

They walked toward the registrar, and he started the process before she signed the marriage certificate. They finally finished the process of the marriage and the registrar announced that the marriage was legal.

Dara sighed and hugged Layo tightly, she knew that for now, her child was safe but now for too long. Kelson was not going to give up just because of a marriage certificate. She started the process of legal adoption. If she was adopted by Kelvin before the court date, it would be difficult for Kelson to win against her.

"Congratulations," their friends said collectively before taking pictures with the now-married couple. It was not a ceremony of love and passion. It was a ceremony filled with haste, fear and nervousness. Luis hugged Dara tightly. He felt protective of her, he had known her for five months but his life had changed drastically because of her.

Now she was married to his best friend and was going to lose her child if they did not act in haste. They were all pulling the resources they had to keep Layo away from Kelson and Stephanie.

"It's time to leave guys, the paparazzi we paid are hiding behind the bushes, we will take a car the car while you Dara and Layo will take the limo we hired. Security is in position. Everything is set."

Kelvin carried Layo, that was dressed in an elegant gown and took Dara's reluctant hand, he nodded at Luis and they both walked out of the registry. As soon as they made their way toward the main entrance, the paparazzi attacked them, and the light of cameras flashed and snapped them.

Kelvin held Dara tightly and marched up to the car, covering and protecting Dara and Layo, the security helped them and the paparazzi were unable to reach them but they needed pictures were still taken. As soon as they got into the car, Dara sighed fubbing her eyes, she turned to Layo who looked around dazed.

She wondered why they were so many people around her, taking pictures of them. Dara hugged Layo, knowing that the battle from there was going her crazy, but she was going to do everything to save her child.

Check out the journey of Dara, Layo and Kelvin in the next book. I was thinking of putting the next book directly underneath this.

And tbh it is not going to be a long book. It properly going to be 30 chapters max. So enjoy.

The bullied girl is with a childOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora