39: Accusation and Conviction.

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"Who is that?" Dara opened the door, her mouth opened seeing Kelvin, he looked around before entering, "what are you doing here?" she glanced at Layo that was asleep on the bed.

"So Kelson is back and you forget me? You make me feel as if I do not exist?"

She scoffed, "is that what you think happened? I forgot you? How self absorb could you be?" she moved away from the door and he entered the medium-sized hotel room.

A large bed resided in the middle and Layo was sleeping soundly on, two-night stands and tell lamps, a tv, a door to the left and a window overlooking Lagos city.

"I just want to talk to you, after that kiss!"

"That kiss was a mistake! It should never have happened!" she cut him off, making him look down, Kelvin walked toward her and held her hand, "I do not think it is was a mistake, Dara, I..."

"I am back!!" Kelson yelled opening the door and interrupting them, he frowned when he slighted Kelvin who looked mad at him, "what are you going here Kelvin?" he looked between them, Kelvin released Dara's hands much to his displeasure, "nothing, I am leaving already," he gritted and walked out.

Kelson turned back to Dara who would not look at him, "is threatening you?" he asked, her eyes going to him, "of course not! He would never!" Kelson narrowed his eyes, "how are you so sure? He was your bullet remember?"

"He is not like that anymore Kelson, you should cut your brother some slack sometimes," he hummed in reply and walked further into the room dropping the big nylon he bought.

"I wanted to talk to you about something," he turned to her, "what is it?" he asked folding his arms, "hum... I think it best I go back home," Kelson stood up straight, "what do you mean by that?"

"Look Kelson, I know that you have to be taking care of us for the time I have been here but for how long? Layo is moving from location to location, with no stable place. My parents are the best place I could go to," she explained.

"Are you joking with me right now? You want to go back there after what they did to you?" Dara shrugged, "I have no other options, Kelson, I am a mother and I am thinking about the safety of my child, I cannot be selfish, everything will backfire on Layo, that is not what I want."

"If it is about accommodation, I am fixing something up for you, do not worry about it," she tried to dismiss but she shook her head, "I have to go back Kelson, I can put my responsibility on you, Layo's school! Who will take care of her when I am at school? What of health bills? I cannot work because the school will not allow me to, I have thought of it all everything is crazy!"

"You are not going back there Darasimi! What happened to your principles? Are they easily swayed?" Dara shrugged, "I know you might not agree with me on this one but I am thinking of what is best for my child!"

"Are you now? Or are looking for who to shift your responsibility too?" Dara frowned at his words, "don't talk like that, Kelson I have to finish this degree, I am doing it for Layo and me, I cannot give it up!"

"Oh please now! Spare me the motherhood sob story!" he spat angrily, "you were busy partying with my brother and the royalty while Layo was suffering with aunty Keasha! Were you a good mother then? Were you a good mother when you left her in the custody of those you say abuse you as a kid to seduce my brother!" she blinked speechless as he yelled at her.

"What are you saying..." she uttered calmly, "I know about it all! I know every fucking thing you did while you were gone! The school's blogs are very good and find stories! The dancing, you were all over him at the party!"

"It was a party Kelson it meant nothing!" she fired back angry at the accusation, "I was not home for more than a week and you were already in love with my brother! Is that how fast it is to fall for someone?"

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