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I cried on and off all day which it was a LONG day. It was currently 11 o clock at night as I've been in the bed all day since Michael and I's argument this morning. My phone has just been blowing up non stop between phone calls, text messages and social media talking about the same recycled shit over and over it did drain me so I decided to turn it off. Many things with this situation bothered me and I'm not even sure how to process all of this at once. Not only is my business of what has happened to me being placed on The internet so now everyone knows, but my boyfriend has broken up with me over it and I don't even know if I will be dropped from sponsorships or projects because of this bullshit with Maya and Jevon.

I noticed Michael never got his things from over here so I assumed he was coming in the morning. I literally didn't eat all day so I decided to go get a snack or something then go back upstairs to go to bed.


I woke up to a ring at my doorbell and it was just one so I assumed it was nothing so I continued to lay in my bed and stare at the blank TV. My eyes started to water as I started to cry to myself. After about five minutes of crying I started getting around. I started playing music loudly around the house and got in the shower getting ready to basically do nothing and see no one because I wasn't in the mood honestly.

Once I was done in the shower I brushed my teeth and threw on something comfortable to wear

I slipped into a pair of slides and grabbed a big plastic bag beginning to fold up Michael clothes and place them into the bag

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I slipped into a pair of slides and grabbed a big plastic bag beginning to fold up Michael clothes and place them into the bag. "Rehab" by Rihanna was playing as I sung along to the words lowly continuing to bag Michael's things up just to make it easier for him when he gets here. I honestly didn't feel like talking or arguing if you want to break up then that's fine. He's left me hanging more than once before anyway so I kind of figured he'd do it again.

My doorbell rung again as I ignored but this time whoever it was continuously rung the doorbell which furthermore pissed me off. I hurried downstairs and swung the door open seeing Dani standing there. "Well I'm glad you're alive" she said as I just stood there. "Dani I don't want to talk about it and I'm not in the mood to talk hence why I turned my phone off" I informed. "Well you got some flowers" She said as we both looked at it sitting on top of the doorstep in the corner.

"It better not be Michael" I mumbled going to grab the vase full of flowers. "I thought you loved flowers from Mike?" Dani asked with a small laugh as I just ignored her not trying to start that conversation about what happened with him and I. I picked up the flowers and read the card seeing it was from Beyoncé. I then started reading the note.

"You are such a strong, beautiful woman. If you need anything don't hesitate to call. Love you"
- B

I just took the flowers bringing them into the kitchen and setting them on the island. "Who are they from?" Dani asked closing the door as I set the card back in the flowers. "They're from Beyoncé" I informed texting Beyoncé to thank her for the flowers. "Are you okay mama?" Dani asked as I just shook my head. "But I'm going to be okay" I said with a fake smile. Dani just opened her arms coming to hug me as I laid my forehead on her shoulder beginning to cry uncontrollably.

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