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Y/N, Dani, steelo and I were downstairs in the living room doing a show for steelo's podcast. Which was a show with all of us altogether that a lot of fans of ours wanted to see happen so we thought tonight we should record it and make it happen for one of his shows he would release. Steelo also thought since we were just talking he might as well get an episode in. We were all just on the couch talking and joking around also hitting on different topics pertaining to the industry, hard work, aspirations and etc. As of right now we were on the topic of timing and you wanting something in the moment not realizing it's better to just wait.

"What is something you guys feel was perfect timing in your lives and why?" Steelo asked as Dani spoke up "I think us having Dream was perfect timing." Dani started off "we had her literally on vacation" steelo said making us laugh "while celebrating someone's marriage" I added. "Y'all shut up" Dani said playfully as we continued to laugh. "Nah I agree though" steelo agreed. "I was very happy in that part of my life and still is. We were happy so I had a very happy pregnancy and when I seen her I was like" Dani started off with a big smile while shaking her head. " She couldn't have came at a more perfect time than this. The amount of happiness I felt and still feel it would've never been the same if I had of did this in past relationships." Dani expressed while wiping falling tears from her eyes. Y/N just smiled over at her and laid her head on Dani's shoulder. "Damn it's about to be that type of show" steelo said making us all laugh.

"Mines would be Dream as well because of everything that Dani just said. Having a child just to have it is one thing but when you wait for that type of commitment with the person you love, and y'all are actually in love it's a different feel" steelo expressed. "It's actually another form of intimacy in my opinion and I'm just happy that I got to share it with Danielle." He honestly said as I nodded while looking over at him. " Y'all know we used to crack jokes on each other and we would talk hella shit about each other" he started but we all interrupted by laughing. "But one day I just stepped back and realized underneath all the jokes, we really understood each other and was very compatible" steelo explained as Dani was just smiling over at Steelo while she had tears in her eyes and Y/N sat there in aww watching them.

"Ask them" steelo said referring to Y/N and I while continuing to talk. "I thank God everyday I took that chance. It was easily one of the best decisions I've could've made in my life" he expressed causing Dani to giggle. "Yeah that's why steelo had a problem with all the past guys you've been with." Y/N informed Dani while looking over at her. "Wait why? You were dealing with other women" Dani asked looking over at Steelo. "You were my best friend and I felt like the niggas you were dealing with wasn't treating you like how you were supposed to be treated." Steelo honestly explained as I nodded.
"That last dude you dealt with was the last straw for steelo and that's when he finally came to terms with wanting to take the friendship further than what it was" I added as Dani was just smiling.

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Dani questioned. "This whole segment of the pod cast is called perfect timing what you mean?" Steelo questioned making me chuckle. "I've known you for so long and we were close. getting out the friend zone is hard as fuck" Steelo expressed as steelo and I looked at each other agreeing.  "We literally have to take that chance of not only turning this into a relationship but possibly now losing that friend in the process so that decision is VERY hard" steelo explained. "As men if we really want a woman in our lives we would do things necessary to keep you here. He made that decision not to say anything based off of not wanting you to possibly leave because he expressed his feelings" I started off "So in this case if you get into a relationship, it hurts but we have to respect it and try to move on and continue being your friend" I finished off explaining.
"Look trust me when I say it's a thing and I get it" I assured Dani.

"By that time I asked you, fear left because I liked you for a while and I was tired of you getting played and hurt. So I went in for it" steelo honestly explained. "Aww" Y/N said. 
"And baby number two will be here shortly" steelo added into the mic causing us to laugh. "You had a problem and he gave you a solution....I love that" Y/N said "yeah I know my Superman" Dani said as Steelo smiled. "Baby number two might be a plan for tonight" steelo said causing us to laugh again.

"Go on mike talk to us about perfect timing" Dani encouraged. "Wait before you start" dani interrupted as I chuckled "why would you tell him to go if you were about to stop him?" Steelo asked as she ignored him and smirked at Y/N. "Ten dollars?" Dani asked her as Y/N just smiled. "Ten dollars for what? Are y'all betting?!" Steelo asked. "We had a conversation earlier and I'm about to prove my point that's all" Dani explained as they shook hands. "I want my money on Apple Pay as soon as he's finished" Dani instructed. "And wait before you start" dani started off getting up and running towards one of the bathrooms that was downstairs.

Steelo just shook her head "Dani we filming!" He shouted as we chuckled watching her come back with tissues. "I just needed to get some tissues baby" dani said taking her seat right back next to Y/N. "Can I start?" I asked sarcastically looking over at Dani. "You may begin" Dani assured as I chuckled then cleared my throat. "Hell nah" steelo jokes making us laugh. "Y'all chill, let him talk" Dani instructed. "I feel some things are perfect timing but then not everything is perfect timing because there's actually no real perfect timing. If that makes sense" I started off. "I feel my perfect timing was the start of my relationship with my wife" I added.

"There was an argument back when we graduated high school, right before she was about to go away to college. At that time I really liked her, i was scared to tell her how I felt because I didn't want to lose my best friend. So I told her I would take care of her because I didn't want to see her go away. I wasn't Adonis creed at the time or have all these rolls so I didn't know exactly how I was going to do it, I just knew that I wanted and was going to take care of her. We've been cool since five so this is the first time she's actually going off and being away from me." I started off. "So we got into a thing about it. She left, went off to college and I honestly thank you everyday for doing exactly that" I said looking over at Y/N.

"You looked at the overall situation , I just looked at it as my best friend being thousands of miles away from me." I admitted. "and What I wanted at that time for us wasn't meant at that time because I knew how to love you and be with you as your best friend but what I wanted was to love you and to be with you on that different level and I couldn't give that to you because I was young" I honestly explained to her a she faintly smiled. "Shit" Y/N said as Dani just handed her the tissue as we all shared yet another laugh.

"Throughout the years of us being apart we grew up and once we were finally both single, I felt like it was the time to get with you but you stopped me and told me to complete therapy first before I can try anything with you" I started off as she smiled. "So I did that, Then a couple of months later you became my girlfriend and I was so excited" I expressed as she giggled.
"Man this nigga" steelo started off making us laugh. "I mean too happy" Dani added. "He got his dream girl and it was a wrap" steelo said as I laughed.

"But I believe had you never left with me not knowing how to love you on that level and then with work at that time we probably wouldn't even be here in the same space talking to each other right now" I honestly said. "And I'm just thankful that you went off to do you, despite that whole argument because it wasn't our time yet and I've accepted that and understood that when we finally got together" I explained as Y/N smiled.

"I'm loving the black excellence and black love" Dani said.
"Y/N I want my shit in Apple Pay" she added as Y/N just pulled out her phone and we laughed.

"What was your Perfect timing Y/N?" steelo asked "Its crazy because Dani and I were talking about this earlier and I told her I should've stayed back with you instead of going away to college" Y/N admitted looking over at me as I just shook my head. "No you did the right thing and I'm so proud of you" I honestly admitted making her smile. "I have more than one perfect timing but my main one has to be Michael and our relationship.over the course of me being gone I've dated guys and always tried to get them to love me the way I felt I should've been loved and they couldn't love me properly." She honestly said. "But when I got with mike he gave it off so freely it made me at times try and back away because he was so affectionate and I never had a guy freely and openly love me the way he does" she admitted. "My man gets all the love now, I don't care" she added in as I chuckled "but I never experienced that So with that being said some things you just have to wait on God for and I promise when you finish waiting and he gives you exactly what you need" Y/N explained as we shared a smile before Steelo brought up another topic

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