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What y'all wanna see in the killmonger book because I'm trying not to Segway into creed because I want to do a creed book as well but y'all comment and let me know and be for real-Dajah💕


I was dressed as Michael and I were walking out to meet the investigator along with the officer over my case as far as my house being broken into. Michael just held onto my hand as we were heading downstairs to the chauffeur that was taking us down to the criminal investigations division of Atlanta. I was just thinking about the conversations from last night that  Michael and I had along with Dani and they were both right. I just didn't want to leave Maya high and dry especially if this whole break in wasn't even her.

"Y/N" Michael called out as I finally looked over at him. "Yeah baby?" I asked as he chuckled. "You didn't hear me. I called you about three times" he brought up and chuckled as I just shook my head and looked away. "I'm sorry" I apologized feeling him look at me. "What do you want to eat?" He asked as I looked over at him. "Nothing I'm okay" I assured. "You're going to eat" he simply said. "But I'm not hungry" I brought up . "You're going to eat something" He simply said as we walked out the elevator going through the lobby and to the SUV that was waiting outside for us.

Michael helped me into the suv as I got in and he got in after me. I went onto my Twitter seeing endless retweets of news article of the break in.

"Y/N has been nothing but quiet yet her alleged rapist has been brought up and her house was recently broken into. I really pray for her mental health" a woman tweeted.

"The fact that someone who claims to be Y/N's "friend" placed her business on live about Y/N being allegedly raped while on live with Y/N's rapist is fucking wild" another person tweeted.

"The news article about the break in at Y/N's house states that the police reported that the two people that broke into her house didn't take anything......whoever it was for a fact was trying to take her life" a guy tweeted as I immediately pressed the sleep/wake button on my phone. "You okay?" I heard Michael ask as I nodded.  "Uh-yeah I just want to finish dealing with the Police" I lied. "Babe you know you can talk to me" Michael said as I nodded. "I know. I will. I just-" I started off and shook my head. "You don't want to talk right now it's fine" Michael assured grabbing my Hand as I interlocked our fingers and faintly smiled over at him.

"I love you" I honestly said making him smile. "Come here" he said as I leaned in and he kissed my lips. He then pulled away some. "I love you more" he admitted kissing my lips even more causing me to feel a little more better about what was going on. We got something quick from Wendy's and went to the criminal investigators division walking in to the front desk.
"Hi" I started off seeing the woman look away from her computer and immediately looked between Michael and I shocked. "Right this way" She said getting out of her seat quickly. Michael and I just followed her as we soon walked into a room with two officers, the investigator and Latasha Which who was my lawyer that was also over the case of Maya and I.

"Good morning" I greeted before shaking their hands as they greeted Michael and I back. We then all took a seat at a table. "As it was stated before there was nothing stolen from your house the only damages were the front door" The officer confirmed as I nodded. "We strongly believe that whoever broke in had the number to your key pad to get it" my other officer expressed as I just felt my lawyer look at me.
"Has your department found the two people who broke into my clients house?" My lawyer asked as I looked at the officers.

"These are our two suspects" the officer said showing us mugshots of both the men. One of them was Jevons homeboy and the other was someone that looked familiar but I didn't know exactly who it was. "Do you know either of these men?" The officer asked as I jusg sat there and looked at the mugshots deciding if I was going to say something or not about that being Jevon's friend. I felt like I was already in deep because my house was being broken into. With everything that was already happening I didn't want for it to get worse.

"Bae" I heard Michael say as he touched my arm some before I looked away from the pictures over at him. "Y/N I understand you maybe scared but you have to cooperate with us" my lawyer said as I just looked at her then back at the photos. "One of them is my exes Best friend" I informed. "The one that you're building a case against right?" My lawyer assured beginning to write something down on her note pad. "Uh yeah" I simply answered looking back down at the photos. "And the other guy?" One of the officers asked. "He looks familiar but I'm not sure" I honestly said feeling myself start to bounce my leg underneath the table.

"We'll do further more questioning with them and by tomorrow morning you will hear from us." The officer assured not only Michael and I but also my lawyer. "Do you think that possibly someone was trying to harm her?" Michael asked. "Because she is a celebrity and she's already in a deep case that involves her ex and now the best friend of the ex then breaks into her house this could've possibly been to harm her" the officer agreed as I continued to bounce my leg but I felt Michael place his hand on my thigh beginning to rub it as I took a breath.

"What can I do to make sure she stays safe?" Michael asked the officers. "If you feel comfortable with carrying then carry." The other officer suggested then continued. "If you don't then hire extra security and we'll make sure that if she has to travel out here for business or an event then our officers will also aid in additional protection" The officer finished saying. My lawyer then looked over at me. "My best answer is to just stay out of Georgia and when it's time for court you show up" i my lawyer brought up. "And what about Maya?" I asked curious as to what they were going to do with her. "We have Witness protection" the officer suggested as I just looked down at Michael continuing to rub my thigh.

I'll talk that over with Maya if she Feels comfortable with the idea of witness protection" my lawyer acknowledged as I nodded. "It's there a way where she can do a FaceTime session with you Or I'll pay for you to fly between Atlanta and LA" Michael started off questioning the lawyer. "Something so that she she doesn't have to step foot out here unless she's working?" Michael asked. "We can do FaceTime and I'll personally check in with you and Maya once a month to make sure there's nothing going on personally to you two" she explained as Michael looked over at me. "That's what we're going to do" he said before looking back at the lawyer. "We'll do that" Michael said to the lawyer as I just sat there and watched him take this into his own hands like all of this was happening to him.

I just hated the fact that he just propose, his birthday is tomorrow and I feel like he can't enjoy any of it because of what's going on with me and I just felt bad he deserved to be happy. "Okay so we're finished here" my lawyer said to the officers. "Text me when you two make it to LA safely and we'll talk some more when you're ready Y/N" my lawyer said as I just nodded. Michael and I just stood up walking behind my lawyer as the officers walked out behind us. I just kept my head down as I seen people watch us as we walked through to get to the main lobby.

I started to get the feeling of being overwhelmed and anxious so I slipped my hand in Michael's feeling him interlock our fingers. We walked out to the suv as the officers made sure we got in safely. "What you thinking about?" Michael asked looking over at me as I just shook my head. "Nothing just ready to get back to LA that's all." I said smiling at him before laying my head on his arm as I felt him kiss my head. "You think I could meet somewhere with Maya to explain what's about to happen as far as me leaving?" I asked. "No I don't trust her" Michael admitted. "Just shoot her a text and we'll be on the first flight back to LA she doesn't deserve a real explanation too be honest" Michael expressed.

"Mike stop being mean, I don't want her to feel like I'm leaving her." I honestly admitted. "She didn't care that your house was broken into" he brought up as I just looked at him. "Michael" I simply said. "What?!" He questioned. "Y/N you don't owe her a sit down lunch or anything to explain to her why you're leaving. Text it to her and call it a day. It's time to stop being nice and be serious about what's really going on" Michael expressed as I just looked away from him and out of the window.

Tied in| MBJ BWBM (No Strings Attached Sequel)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें