Secrets Come Out(Petyr Baelish x fem!Stark!reader)

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"Y/N, you need to wake. You must return to the Keep before anyone notices you've gone," you heard a soft voice behind you. Your eyes fluttered open and you turned your head. Petyr gave you a soft smile. This smile was not his usual calculated smile, but a genuine smile. A smile he reserved only for you. You turned so you were facing him and placed a soft kiss to his lips.

You'd been in King's Landing for a while now and had met Lord Petyr Baelish shortly after arriving. There had been an instant attraction which you both readily acted upon. Petyr was the first man to make you feel like you had worth. As a bastard, you rarely capture male attention. At least not the kind most women want. Your twin brother, Jon, had made the decision to go North to the Wall, but you didn't have hope for many prospects. Petyr felt differently about you. He saw something in you that he had not seen in any other woman. At least that's what he told you. You knew that you couldn't fully trust him, though.

"I doubt anyone would notice my absence, my lord," you said, smiling sweetly. You knew he was right however and moved out of bed to dress. "I believe your father would notice," he said after he was dressed. He kissed you softly before checking to make sure no one would notice you leaving. You quickly snuck back to the Red Keep and into your chambers before the sun rose. You knew Petyr had guards tailing you to be certain you made it back safe.

You washed quickly in your basin and changed into your nightdress before your handmaiden arrived. You'd been secretly seeing Petyr for long enough to know how to hide it. After you were "properly" dressed you joined your father and half-sisters for breakfast."Good morning, Lord Stark." He greeted you with a smile and nod. "Y/N, where did you go last night?" Arya asked you. You swallowed hard before she continued, "I went to your room and you weren't there." You had to come up with a lie quickly. "I went for a stroll in the garden. I couldn't sleep."

Arya seemed to buy the lie and even if she hadn't, there was no more time to talk about it. Your father began telling you that there was going to be a tournament in honor of him being named the Hand of the King. You could feel the excitement bubbling in your chest as he spoke. One of the benefits of being the bastard daughter was that your father allowed you to train with a sword and lance and you planned to put that training to good use, even if you couldn't technically be a knight.

*the day of the tournament*

Lord Petyr Baelish took a seat behind Lord Eddard "Ned" Stark and two of his daughters. You were nowhere to be found. "My lord Hand, where is your third daughter? Did she not join you?" Lord Stark shook his head. "She was taken ill this morning and is in her chambers resting." Petyr did not believe him since he had been with you just last night, but he did not push the issue. Your relationship was, after all, secret.

The next knights announced were Ser Loras Tyrell and Ser Gregor Clegane, otherwise known as the Mountain. As Tyrell raced forward, his lance broke against the Mountain and he fell off his horse. Ser Loras grabbed his sword while the Mountain dismounted. The two were soon engaged in a swordfight. "This is not Loras' usual technique. He is much more flamboyant in his movements usually," Petyr commented lowly. He sensed that something was amiss.

The Mountain lunged again at Loras. Loras landed a blow his knees, causing Clegane to fall. The winning blow. What no one noticed was that the Mountain's sword had deeply cut Loras at the same time. Clegane let out a howl and tackled the smaller man to the ground and began using his fists to strike at Loras' gut. The force of the blow caused the knight's helm to fall off and reveal that it wasn't Loras at all, but you and you were unconscious. The Mountain even struck your face twice. "ENOUGH!" King Robert yelled when he saw the mass of (h/c) hair. The Hound pulled his brother off you.

Ned rushed down to you and took you in his arms. "Seven Hells, Ned," Robert whispered when Ned had gotten closer, "Isn't that your daughter?" Ned nodded grimly. "She's a fighter, that one," the king said with a laugh. Petyr was by Ned's side in an instant and muttered to him, "Take her to my brothel...she'll be safe there and there will be less scandal." For once Ned did not argue. It was no secret that he did not trust the Master of Coin, but he wanted what was best for his daughter and his family.

You were soon resting in the bed you spent most nights. Petyr's. You were still unconscious, but Petyr watched over you. You awoke several hours later feeling someone's hand in your own. You opened your eyes slowly and met Petyr's. "That was reckless, my dear. Promise me that you will never do something like this again." You nodded. "Taking into consideration that I feel like I've been run over by a carriage, I promise." You laughed and then winced. You glanced down at the bandaged wound on your arm.

"Just rest my dear. You are safe here. How were you able to enter the tournament at all?" He gave your hand a squeeze. "I bribed Ser Loras. Told him that I would give him the prize if I was victorious. Petyr, why am I here? Where is my father?" Petyr explained that he told your father to bring you here. "Does he know? About us?" Petyr shook his head and leaned in to kiss your lips softly. "He knows now," your father's voice made you jump apart. "My lord Stark," Petyr barely managed to say before Ned had him pushed up against the wall, his forearm pinning his throat.

"Father! Stop please!" you cried through the pain shooting across your abdomen. "Father, please." Ned looked at you and saw the fear in your eyes. He knew that you had somehow fallen in love with the whoremonger. He released Petyr who began gasping for breath. Ned looked between the two of you, sighed heavily and left the room. Once Petyr caught his breath, he turned to you. "You stopped him. Why?"

"It was the honorable thing to do," you told him, wincing again as you tried to get up. Petyr pushed you back down. "You need to heal. Stay still and tell me the real reason why," he said. He could spot a lie a mile away. You sighed when you realized that there was no point in keeping it a secret anymore. "Because I love you, Petyr. I don't know how or when it happened, but it did." Petyr pressed a gentle kiss to your bruised lips and said, "Rest." You closed your eyes and fell asleep. Petyr sat in a chair and leaned back observing you and contemplating. Before he met you, Petyr swore the only woman he would ever love was Catelyn. Now, he wasn't so certain. Did he love you too?

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