Food Fight (Jon Snow x reader)

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You gasped loudly when the first piece of bread his your face. You followed the sound of little giggles to find the culprits. "And what have we here? Three little wolves playing with their food?" you asked chuckling. Three sets of eyes gazed up at you in fear. That fear didn't last long as little Rickon took the handful of potatoes he had and threw them at you. Rickon, along with Bran and Arya, started laughing loudly. The three children all got up and ran to the other side of the room.

You wanted to be the mature one, really you did, but you got caught up in the moment. You grabbed an handful of food and lobbed it at the children. After that, the game was on. Food was being thrown every which way and your laughter echoed through Winterfell. You were surprised Lord or Lady Stark hadn't come to investigate. At least that's what you thought. While they didn't come themselves, they had sent someone to see what all the noise was.

"What is going on in here?" Jon's voice cut through the din and you glanced over your shoulder at him. You heard the sound of food dropping to the floor as Jon took in the sight of the four of you. You were all coated in different kinds of foods, including flour. "Hello, Jon," you greeted nonchalantly. You looked back at the children, hoping to put an end to the fight but Bran had a different idea. He had taken up another scoop of flour and hurled it in your direction.

You ducked and the flour hit Jon in the chest instead. The broody teen glanced down at his chest and then back up at you. You held your hands up in a gesture of peace as Jon came stalking toward you. "J-Jon? Please?" you begged, backing up until your back hit the table. Jon placed both hands on either side of you, effectively trapping you. He leaned in so closely, you thought he was going to kiss you. Instead, he grabbed some of Arya's potatoes and chucked them at little Rickon. Thus, the war began again.

You and Jon versus the three youngest Starks. The shrieks and giggles carried from the kitchen to the training yard outside where Lord Stark was watching Robb train with Theon.. It was rare to hear Jon's laughter, so Ned let it be for the time being. Meanwhile, the food fight continued uninterrupted until the three young children were tired out. They collapsed in heap on the floor while you and Jon leaned against one another at the table. "I cannot remember the last time I had so much fun," Jon murmured, making you smile.

"Thank you for joining us. I was completely outnumbered," you told him. He gave you a rare smile. "It was my pleasure, Y/N. Although, perhaps we should clean up this mess before Lady Stark sees." Arya, Bran and Rickon all looked up at the two of you, sleepy smiles painted on their faces. You shook your head fondly and moved away from Jon. He immediately stood to assist you. As the two of you cleaned, the children fell asleep in their spot on the floor. You and Jon chuckled quietly and went back to work, unaware of the eyes of the Stark parents watching you. 

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