As Long as I'm Alive (Robb Stark x fem!reader)

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You felt your heart sinking in your chest as you mounted your horse. You had to get out of there. Away from him. From Robb Stark. It wasn't that you had a problem with Robb or that you didn't like him. Quite the opposite in fact. You loved him and, at one point, you thought he loved you. Then, came the Frey girl. Robb promised to marry her. You didn't know the reason why, but you thought it was because he loved her. You couldn't put your heart through that, so you decided to leave. To help Robb's war efforts somewhere else. If only you had known.

When word reached you that Robb had chosen not to marry the Frey girl, you couldn't believe it. Instead, Edmure Tully was taking Robb's place. You wondered why and you knew the only way to find out was to travel to the Twins where the wedding of Edmure Tully to the Frey girl would be taking place. Then, you heard that Roose Bolton would be there and your gut twisted. Something wasn't right.

You ordered your army to ride for the Twins and prayed you would get there in time. After all, you promised Robb your army and, even though you'd left his company to assist him in other ways, you still intended to keep your promise. No matter the risk to yourself or your men, who followed you without question.

You arrived at the Twins and your brows furrowed when the guards wouldn't let you in. A loud commotion from inside caught your attention and you knew you had to act quickly. You fought your way through the Frey guards and into the castle. You barely registered the dead bodies already littering the floor as your eyes scanned the hall for Robb. You nearly sighed in relief when you saw that he was still alive, but you knew there was no time for that. You had to get to him quickly.

You ran forward, cutting down anyone in your path. You heard your army behind you, taking out one Frey soldier after another. Finally, you reached Robb and you flashed him a smile before running your sword through another soldier. "Lady, Y/N, what are you doing here?" You rolled your eyes. "Do you really believe now is the time for this?" you asked, handing him a discarded sword so he could fight. "Yes, I do!" he cried, "You left without a word." You sighed deeply, but didn't answer. How could you put it into words that would reach a king's heart? "Later, please."

As soon as you had cleared a path, you grabbed Robb's arm and pulled him from the room. Within five minutes, the two of you were on your horse on a hill overlooking the Twins. "Why did you come back?" Robb asked again, not taking his eyes from the place where his mother now lay dead. "I promised you that I would serve as long as I live, did I not?"

"Then why did you go in the first place?" he snapped, the famous Stark temper coming out quickly. You took the chance to glance back at him. "I felt you would be better served if we went in search of others to aid in your cause." Robb scoffed and you knew he didn't believe you. "Tell the truth." You blinked and arched a brow. "Is that an order, King Robb?" He sighed. "You know I would not give you orders, Y/N."

You didn't get a chance to reply right away. You knew you had to get Robb and what remained of both your armies out of there before Walder Frey and Roose Bolton ordered their soldiers to hunt you down. It wasn't until you were far enough away to make camp that you actually spoke to him again. "I left because I couldn't stand by and watch you marry someone else. I could not stay knowing you loved someone else." Your voice was barely above a whisper, but Robb heard you anyway.

You felt his hand on your chin as he gently lifted your face up to meet those Tully blue eyes you loved so much. "I have never loved another, Y/N." You couldn't say anything for the shock. "I agreed to marry the Frey girl to ensure that I would have the support of the Freys in the war. No other reason. How could I ever find someone better than you?" You felt the tears in your eyes and you tried to suppress them.

"Do you mean that, Robb? You truly still love me?" Robb smiled that beautiful smile that was rare during these times of war. Robb used his free arm to wrap around your waist and pull you to him while the hand that was on your chin moved to cup your cheek. "As long as I'm alive, you will have my love," his whispered, resting his forehead on yours.


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