Mission (Theon Greyjoy x fem!reader)

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You hated Theon. There was no doubt about it. You couldn't stand him and the feeling was mutual. So, when Robb asked the two of you to go scouting for more troops, you fought against it with every fiber of your being. There was no arguing with Robb, however and that's how you found yourself traveling with the arrogant young man. He talked all the time and you were currently trying to tune him out.

After hours of hearing him talk, you finally had enough. "Will you please be quiet? You're voice is grating on my nerves." Theon simply smirked and kept on talking. You groaned and scanned your surroundings. "We need to make camp," you said, pulling your horse to a stop. As you set up camp and settled down to rest, you prayed that Theon would finally stop talking long enough for you to sleep until it was your watch.

*time skip*

Days turned into weeks of traveling with Theon. As you traveled, arguments turned into jokes and insults turned into playful teasing. It was only natural as Theon was your only companion. You were currently riding toward another Northern house to find troops and you were laughing at something Theon had said. He watched in awe as you threw your head back. In truth, Theon had never hated you. He hadn't always liked you, but he'd always had a soft spot for you.

You stopped laughing and glanced over at Theon. "What? Is there dirt on my face?" you asked when you caught him staring. He shook his head and tore his gaze away. "No." Your brows furrowed together in confusion. Normally, he would have made some sort of quip or teasing insult. You rode the rest of the way in silence until you pulled your horse to as top outside the gates where Theon announced who you were.

Soon, you stood before the lord of the house and his son. You were silent as Theon pleaded your case, but you couldn't help but notice the young lord's lingering gaze on you. "Our House has always backed House Stark and we will not change that now. Tell the King in the North that he has our army at his disposal." You and Theon bowed in gratitude. When you turned to leave, you noticed Theon's clenched jaw and balled fists.

As soon as you were back on your horse, you spoke. "What is the matter, Greyjoy?" He didn't say anything for a bit, despite or best efforts at trying to tease and cajole him into speaking. Finally, you gave up. When you stopped to make camp, Theon left you to get firewood. You got everything else ready and then sat down to ponder what could possibly be wrong with Theon Greyjoy.

Hours later, when Theon still hadn't said anything, you groaned. "That's it. You either tell what is wrong right now, Greyjoy or I swear I will leave you to find your way back to Robb's camp by yourself!" Theon looked at you for a moment and then asked, "Did you see the way that young lord was looking at you? Like you were some prized boar for the hunt?" You quirked a brow at him. If you didn't know better, you'd say he was...

"By the gods, Theon, are you jealous?" you quipped. He glared at you for a moment as you laughed heartily. The thought of Theon being jealous was hilarious to you considering the fact that you hated one another mere weeks ago. "Are you certain that young lord was interested in me and not you?" you asked in jest. Theon growled and got up to storm off. "Theon, wait! I was only joking! Come back!"

He turned and met your gaze before stalking back to his seat by the fire. "I cannot understand why it bothered you so. It isn't as though you care for me. You and I have hated each other from the start," you continued talking, a nervous habit of yours. "I never hated you, Y/N. I didn't like you, but I didn't hate you and as we've journeyed together I have grown to l-" You cut off his rambling by pressing your lips to his. "I love you too, Greyjoy. I do not know when it happened, but it did," you said.

Theon's shocked expression changed to his signature smirk. You were about to say something about knocking it off his face when he pulled you to him, his hands resting on your hips. He kissed you hungrily until you needed to part for air. "You know, my tent is big enough for two and the night is cold," he said cheekily. You rolled your eyes and kissed him again, squealing into his mouth when you felt him pick you up and carry you into his tent. By the next morning, you would be able to tell Robb that your mission had been successful...in more ways than one. 

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