Connection (Sandor Clegane x reader)

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You thanked the gods when the hulking form of Sandor Clegane appeared behind your assailants. You knew exactly what would have happened if he hadn't and the thought made you shudder. Your foolish attackers decided they could take on the infamous Hound. Their mistake. Sandor dispatched them all within five minutes before reaching out a hand to help you up.

Once you were on your feet, Sandor turned to walk away, but stopped when he heard your voice. "Thank you, Ser." He turned around and stalked back to you. "I'm no knight. Ya don't call me 'Ser'. Aren't ya afraid of me?" You shook your head. How could you be afraid of the man who just saved you? "What should I call you then? Savior? My Lord?" you asked with a cheeky grin.

Sandor stared at you in disbelief before telling you to call him by his name. You introduced yourself as you looked into his brown eyes. For some unexplainable reason, you felt an instant connection to him. You didn't know whether it was because he'd just saved you or if there was something more there, but you were determined to figure it out.

Weeks went by and you visited Sandor every day, trying to get him to talk to you. You managed a little conversation, but Sandor was a man of few words. In truth, he was trying to ignore the connection he felt between the two of you. He knew no good could come of it. He was a killer after all. But, you kept insisting on coming around and Sandor finally gave up on trying to get rid of you. He'd grown to enjoy your company.

"Good evening, Sandor," you said happily one evening when Sandor actually wandered into the tavern were you worked. He gave you a nod and then silently indicated that you should follow him out. You tilted your head in confusion, but followed him anyway. "What is it, Sandor?" Sandor turned to face you. He ran his hand over his face as he tried to find the words.

You saw him struggling and decided to take matters into your own hands, come hell or high water. If he rejected you, so be it but you had to know if this connection was real. You placed your hands on his cheeks and leaned in to press your lips to his. He stood still, not reciprocating so you pulled away. Before you could apologize, Sandor took action, pulling you back to him and crashing his lips to yours. As your lips moved together, you knew. The connection was real. 

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