Did You Ever Love Him? (Cersei Lannister x fem!reader)

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"Did you ever love him? King Robert?" young Sansa asked the queen. Cersei gazed at the girl for a moment before laughing softly. "Did I love him? What a ridiculous question." As she spoke, memories flooded Cersei's mind. Memories of a love long lost to her. A love no one expected the queen was capable of. A love for you.

Many years before, Cersei had known a woman. You. You met the two of you were twelve and became fast friends and, over the years, Cersei surprisingly found herself falling in love with you and you with her. You spent every moment you could together. Even at a young age, Cersei knew that this was what love was meant to feel like, but it was not meant to be. When Robert Baratheon lead an army against the Mad King, Cersei would pay the ultimate price in her mind.

"Come on, Y/N," Cersei cried, grabbing your hand and pulling you behind her through the streets of Lannisport. "I cannot. My father is moving toward King's Landing in aide of Robert Baratheon. He insists that I travel with him to protect me." Cersei frowned. "How could he protect you when he is charging into battle? It is madness. Please, Y/N. Fight your father for once." You shook your head. "Like you would fight yours if the circumstances were reversed? You know I cannot." Without another word, Cersei pulled you to her for a lip-bruising kiss. "Stay," she whispered when you broke away. You shook your head sadly and left her standing there alone.

That had been the last time Cersei ever saw you alive. The next time she laid eyes on you was in the sept as she mourned your death. You were dressed in a gown of crimson and gold at Cersei's command. The Mad King was now dead, thanks to Cersei's twin brother and she was now promised to Robert Baratheon, the new king of the Seven Kingdoms. Yes she, Cersei Lannister would now be queen, but at the highest price. She had lost one of the only people she'd ever truly loved. As she looked down at your body, she held back the tears she so desperately wanted to let fall.


"YourGrace?" Sansa's voice brought Cersei back to reality. Cersei stared at her."Are you alright?" Cersei's brows furrowed for a moment before shecame to realization that her green eyes were full of unshed tears. Cersei wavedaway the question and quickly composed herself. Finally, she looked back at theStark girl. "You did not answer my question your Grace. Did you ever loveKing Robert?" Without missing a beat, Cersei replied, "No, littledove. Robert was not a person I could ever have loved."hex˒

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