Accident (Theon Greyjoy x fem!Stark reader)

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"Race you, Y/N!" your brother Robb cried before urging his horse into a gallop. Jon and Theon watched you, knowing you were never one to turn down a challenge from Robb. You laughed and nudged your horse. Robb's horse was fast, but yours was faster. You quickly caught up and then passed him with ease. You were too busy looking over your shoulder gloating to notice the stag jump out from the trees. Your horse noticed though and instantly spooked. She reared up and threw you from her back. You fell hard and hit your head. You saw Theon's face hovering over yours before your world went black.

Theon was at your side the instant you hit the ground. "Y/N?" He gently shook your shoulders and called your name over and over to no avail. "Robb, pick her up and get her on my horse. I'll get her back to Winterfell and Maester Luwin." For a minute, Robb and Jon gaped openly at Theon. It wasn't like him to order Robb around, but when Robb saw the concern painting Theon's features, he did exactly what he was told. As soon as you were on the horse in front of him, Theon rushed you back to Winterfell, only to be greeted by your mother Catelyn in a frenzied state upon seeing you unconscious.

Hodor lifted you off Theon's horse easily enough, but Theon took you right back as soon as he dismounted. As they hurried to the Maester, Theon explained to Catelyn what happened, the worry never leaving his face. Soon, you were in your own bed, Theon on one side and Catelyn on the other. After sitting for hours, Catelyn was pulled from your side by your father. "Lady Stark, I will watch over Y/N. If she wakes, I promise I will send for you," Theon vowed. He didn't see Catelyn nod because he never took his eyes off your face.

Theon sat there for a few days, only leaving when it was absolutely necessary, before you finally woke up. Theon had fallen asleep leaning on your bed, but your mother was sitting awake when your eyes fluttered open. "Y/N, my sweet daughter. Thank the gods you've woken," she said, squeezing. You gave her a weak smile before turning your eyes on the sleeping Greyjoy. You flicked your eyes to your mother and quirked a brow in question. "He has hardly left your side since the accident. No matter how many times we told him, he refused. I must tell your lord father that you have woken. I will return soon."

After she left, you moved your hand to run your fingers through Theon's messy curls. Within minutes, Theon was awake. His eyes met your Tully blue ones and he smiled. "Y/N!" In his excitement, Theon grabbed your face and pressed his lips to yours. It took a second for you to register what was happening, but once you had, you kissed back happily. The kiss lasted until you heard someone clear their throat. You broke apart to find you parents standing in the doorway. "Lord Husband, I do believe I was right." You father laughed heartily.


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