What Once Was His (Sandor Clegane x fem!reader)

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(a/n: flashbacks in italics. Angst warning!)

Every man Sandor cut down had the same face in his mind now. Joffrey's face. Sandor Clegane was not a man who let his emotions get the better of him, but when it came to Joffrey, he couldn't help it. After all, it was Joffrey's fault you were taken from him. You were the only woman that ever loved Sandor and the only one he loved in return. Now, you were gone and it was because of Joffrey.

You grinned up at Sandor with tears in your eyes. You'd been in love with the man, for years despite all his faults, and finally, he admitted his feelings for you. That would forever be one of the happiest days in Sandor's life and yours. You got up on tip-toe and pressed your lips to his gently. HIs large hands cupped your face carefully as your lips moved together.

Sandor clenched his fists as memories of you flashed through his mind. He hated you for making him fall in love, he hated himself for falling and most of all, he hated Joffrey for taking you from him. If the gods existed, Sandor was certain they had it out for him. Why else would he have lost the one person in the world that he cared about? Especially so soon.

Your fingers were pressed to your lips as you held back a cry of joy. "Are you certain you want this, Sandor?" Sandor nodded. You threw your arms around him and buried your face in the crook of his neck. In the privacy of his own chambers, Sandor happily accepted the showing of affection, by wrapping his arms around your waist. He'd just ask you to marry him and you'd accepted. Definitely the happiest day of Sandor's life.

Back in his chambers, Sandor paced the floor, doing everything he could not to return to the throne room and run Joffrey through with his sword. As much as it pained him, Sandor had to keep his promise to you.

You'd pissed Prince Joffrey off and you weren't safe anymore. Sandor stayed by your side as often as possible. Then, it happened. Joffrey appeared in the corridor where you and Sandor were walking. "Dog! I need you!" Joffrey ordered. Sandor gave you a small smile before turning and walking over to Joffrey. He never saw the archer in the tower across the courtyard.

Your scream caused him to whip around to see the arrow sticking out of your chest. You crumpled to the ground, Sandor barely making it to you before the arrow was pushed further in. You were gasping for air as blood began to stain your skin and dress. Sandor glanced up at Joffrey, who wore a sickening smirk. The only thing that stopped Sandor from attacking the prince right then and there was your weight up against him.

"Sandor, love," your weak voice caught his attention. He looked down at you, fighting back his own tears. You were almost always able to tell what he was thinking and this was no exception. "Do not seek revenge. No good will come of it. It will only lead to your death and I...cannot...have that," you told him, your breaths becoming shallow. Sandor nodded. "I promise." You reached up and brushed a strand of hair from his face. "I love you, Sandor." That was the last thing you said before the light left your eyes.

The longer he thought about it, the angrier Sandor became. The next thing he knew, he was shoving chairs and trucks all over the room, breaking anything and everything he could. He knew he had to leave King's Landing or there was no way he'd be able to keep his promise to not seek revenge. His opportunity to leave would not come for years yet, but it would come and Sandor would be ready.


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