Storm's End(Sandor Clegane x fem!Stark reader)

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(a/n: Part 2 of "The Wolf's Storm)

From his spot on the ground, Sandor heard you moan. He picked his head up slightly and glanced at your sleeping figure. Your moans became louder and more frequent until you were screaming in your sleep. Sandor sighed and got up, making his way over to your thrashing form. He narrowly avoided your fist making contact with his face as he shook you awake. You bolted up and the tears immediately came. Sandor knew there was only one way to calm you. He wrapped his arms around your trembling body and pulled you close. You'd been having nightmares off and on since you left King's Landing.

As uncomfortable as it made him, Sandor had gotten used to your need for physical contact when you were upset. He figured that was how Catelyn Stark had calmed her children. You threw your arms around Sandor as he let you sob. When you finally stopped crying, you looked at him. "Sandor...thank you," you told him before planting a kiss on his scarred cheek. He grunted in response. He was definitely not used to that form of affection.

The next day, the two of you stopped to make camp and you were humming a little song as you attempted to sew a hole in your dress. Sansa had always been better at embroidery than you or Arya. Your humming was cut short by Sandor's voice. "We arrive in the Vale on the morrow." You dropped your needle in the dirt. "Is that so?" you questioned. You were torn. Although your aunt Lysa was in the Vale, you weren't certain that you were ready to part with Sandor just yet. You weren't overly fond of Aunt Lysa. She was a little...eccentric. "It is. I can finally be rid of ya," Sandor grunted and you merely smiled.

In truth, Sandor really didn't mind your company anymore. Since your little spat at the stream, he'd actually grown rather fond of you. "I suppose you can. What will do after you are, as you so politely put it, rid of me?" you asked with a smirk as you picked your needle up and cleaned it off. Sandor simply shrugged as he watched you. You brow was furrowed in concentration and you were lightly biting your lip. "I'm certain you'll find some way to occupy your time, Sandor." Sandor flushed a bit. You were one of the few people that called him by name.

As your journey with Sandor had continued, you found yourself inexplicably drawn to the foul-mouthed man. He never uttered a word unless he felt it necessary and even then, it was always the truth. While you missed your family terribly, you were no longer unhappy in Sandor's company. He looked out for you and for the most part, he had been kind.

The next afternoon, the two of you approached the Bloody Gate that guarded the Vale. "Who approaches the Bloody Gate?" a guard called down. "The "bloody" Hound! I've brought Lady Arryn's niece to her!" Sandor answered, not loosening the grip on his sword. The guards let you through and lead you to your aunt. You felt your breath hitch as you approached Aunt Lysa.

"Oh, Y/N sweetling! I have been so worried about you," she said with a fake smile to accompany her false concern. She pulled you into a hug and then quickly backed away when she saw who was standing behind you. "I see you brought the Lannister's dog," she said curtly, instantly making your blood boil. "Sandor is NOT a dog! And he does not belong to anyone, let alone the Lannisters! He has been my guide and protector since we left King's Landing," you snapped. Lysa smirked. "Do not tell me you have feelings for this...beast," she said with a scoff. "And if I do?"

"Mother, can I make the bad man fly?" Robin asked and you glared at him. "If you make one more horrible comment about Sandor, I'll make you fly, Robin!" you threatened. Sandor felt his lips turn up in a small smile. You were defending him. No one ever defended him. "If you feel so strongly about it, Y/N then you may leave with the dog." You turned on your heel. "I shall then." Sandor's jaw dropped. When you were near enough to him, you whispered harshly, " Are you coming, are or you simply going to stand there with your jaw on the ground?"

Unable to do anything else, Sandor followed you from the room and back out toward the Bloody Gate. There was silence between the two of you for hours until you came upon a river and a place to camp. Only when the fire was going and you were able to sit did you finally speak again. "Mother always said my temper would get me into trouble. I am sorry. I ruined your chance for your reward," you apologized as you sat down across from him. Sandor gave a small grunt and finished skinning the rabbit he'd caught.

Sandor glanced up at you as you drew in the dirt with a stick and wondered what he was supposed to do now. The only family you had left was up at the Wall. He could feel the anger and concern rising in his chest as he thought about you being up there with all the rapists and murderers. He certainly wouldn't put you through that. Besides, he wasn't sure if he was ready to part company with you yet. When he looked up again, Sandor found you staring at him.

Your body chose to move on its own. You got up from your spot in the dirt and made your way over to Sandor. His eyes never left you as you sat down in front of him, facing him. "What are ya doin', woman?" he asked you. Instead of answering, you simply moved closer and put your hands on either side of his face. You gulped softly before leaning in and pressing your lips softly to his in a short kiss. "Thank you, Sandor. For everything."

For a moment, Sandor sat perfectly still. You'd kissed him. You. Had. Kissed. Him. Not only that, but you had done it willingly. "I...Why?" he asked, unable to form a complete sentence. "Were you not listening to what I told Aunt Lysa?" Sandor thought back to that afternoon. During your confrontation with your aunt, you'd basically told her that you had feelings for him. You smiled as Sandor's eyes widened in realization. Without waiting for him to reply, you pressed another kiss to his lips and this time, he responded eagerly. He thought perhaps he should keep you with him a bit longer.

(a/n: there is a part 3 in the works.) 

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