Stupid Cat (Joffrey Baratheon x reader)

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The Red Keep was crawling with cats. They were everywhere and one of your favorite things to do was to sit and play with the kittens. No one usually bothered you, knowing it was the one time during the day when you were happy. The only person who seemed to have an issue with it was the king. Joffrey hated that you paid so much attention to the kittens. He couldn't believe he was jealous of a cat.

"Hello, Your Grace," you greeted upon seeing the king. Once again, there was a kitten in your lap, just napping. You were stroking the cat's grey fur and smiling down at it. Joffrey frowned for a moment, but then plastered on a smile. He didn't want you to see his jealousy. "Hello, Y/N. I see you've once again found another ridiculous feline."

You smiled at him and shrugged. "I do not find them ridiculous, Your Grace. They are merely infants of a different species. They need all the love and care a babe does," you replied, still stroking the kitten on your lap. "You spend far too much time with animals," Joffrey said. You glanced back at him, realization dawning on you.

"You're jealous?" you said, biting back a grin. Joffrey glowered at you and then at the kitten. "I am not...stupid cat." You chuckled heartily before resting your hand on his. "There's no need for you to be jealous. No cat can take your place, Your Grace." Joffrey glanced down at your hand on his and you could swear you saw him blush.

"Better?" He nodded and you smiled before taking the little grey kitten in your hand and standing up. "Now, I must go see my father about this poor, defenseless creature. He needs a home." Joffrey stood as well as he said, "Perhaps, I could take him in. The Red Keep has plenty of room for him to roam. Besides, then you can see him anytime." You beamed at him. "Thank you, Your Grace!" you cried, handing him the tiny cat. You quickly kissed his cheek and left him standing alone in the garden with the kitten in his hand. The kitten mewed and Joffrey looked down at him. "Stupid cat," he muttered fondly.


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