The Dragon's New Spouse(Viserys Targaryen x reader)

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You were biting your lip as you prepared for your upcoming nuptials. You'd heard stories of the new king. Viserys Targaryen. It was said that while he was attractive and could be charming, he could also be cruel to those who crossed him. He was said to be ruthless when you angered him. He called it "awakening the dragon" for that was how he saw himself. A dragon.

"Are you nervous, Your Grace?" your servant asked as you were dressing. You gazed at her through the mirror. She had been your maid for as long as you could remember but never had she called you that before. "You need not call me that." She smiled at you. "But you are to marry the king. You will be royalty and that is how you will be addressed." You sighed heavily. You hated the title already.

"I am terrified," you admitted after several moments of quiet. Your maid smiled. "I'd be worried if you weren't, Your Grace. Marriage is an exciting yet altogether terrifying thing. A new step in life that you do not know where it will lead." You chuckled softly. Your maid had always been a wise and caring friend to you. "You've heard the stories?" She nodded.

"Exaggerations, I'm sure, Your Grace. I am certain he will make a fine husband to you." You frowned. Husband. Hearing the word just made it even more final, more real. "Perhaps you're right," you began slowly, "Perhaps it is all rumor and exaggeration. He cannot possibly be as bad as they say." At this point, you were babbling, trying to convince yourself that everything was going to be fine. Then, the bells in the sept began tolling, signaling that the ceremony binding you to Viserys for life was about to begin.

"Come along, Your Grace. We do not want to keep your new husband waiting." Nodding, you reluctantly followed your maid from the room and made your way to the sept. You felt the pounding in your chest and you were unsure if you'd even make it to the ceremony before your heart gave out. You were worried you were going to die before you married and you weren't certain whether it was good or bad thing. But the sept soon came into view and you knew there was no turning back.

The doors of the sept opened and you begged your knees to stop knocking together. You kept your eyes straight ahead, ignoring the crowd of people around you as you walked up to your future husband's side. Your goodsister-to-be gave you a small smile, but it did nothing to comfort you the closer you got Viserys.

The sunlight coming through the windows shone through Viserys' white-blond locks and his violet eyes twinkled with mischief and a bit of pride. He reached out his hand for you to take. His eyes narrowed when you didn't take it immediately. You quickly grabbed it and his long fingers closed over yours. All noise disappeared while you willed your still rapidly beating heart to slow and your mind to stop racing. You looked into his eyes and prayed to the old gods and the new that he would be a kind and gentle husband and that perhaps, you could help him become a king the people would love. 

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