Discomfort (Jon Snow x fem!reader)

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You were nervous about being at the Wall. About being around a horde of men that weren't allowed to be with women. Your brother assured you that you would be perfectly safe as long as you stayed near him. The two of you had gone up to the Wall at your father's bidding. The Lord Commander had written many houses about some threat or other, you weren't sure. All you knew was that your father had sent you along with your brother and half the army.

"Are you certain about this?" you asked your brother as the gates to Castle Black swung open. "Father is certain. I told you, you will be fine as long as you stay with me or the Lord Commander." You gazed at him in disbelief, but didn't argue. There was no point. You rode into the castle courtyard and you could feel the eyes on you. You suppressed a shudder at their stares.

You dismounted and followed your brother to the waiting Lord Commander. He was younger than you pictured, with dark curly locks of hair and deep brown, nearly black eyes. "Lord Commander Snow," your brother greeted. You were practically glued to his side so you nearly knocked him over when you curtsied. You felt your cheeks heat up, but your brother chuckled fondly. "As you can see, my sister is a bit...nervous about being up here."

The Lord Commander looked at you and took in your timid stance. Normally, you held your head high and weren't afraid of anything, but being around so many men at once made you uncomfortable and the man could see it. "Now, Lord Commander, shall we see your men in action?" your brother asked, drawing the young man's attention away from your trembling form. He gave your brother a small smile and escorted you both to the training yard.

No sooner were the three of you there did your brother decide he wanted to train as well, much to your dismay. The Lord Commander seemed to notice your discomfort and offered a reassuring smile. "My lady, these men will not harm you. I guarantee it," he said. You sighed. "It is not that, Lord Commander. I am simply not used to being around so many men. In our home, I am surrounded by ladies day in and day out. To suddenly be thrust into a place where there are no women is...intimidating," you explained softly.

"Jon. You can call me Jon, my lady. Come with me," he said, offering his arm. You took in gently and nervously. Jon lead you through the courtyard and up the steep steps of the Castle Black. You followed him, but kept your other fist balled at your side, ready to hit him if necessary. He lead you to a door and pushed it open. "These are my chambers. This is the safest place for you and you are welcome to stay, if you are comfortable. I will find an empty chamber to sleep in," he said.

You looked up at him in surprise. No one outside of your family had ever been so kind to you. "Thank you, Lord Commander." You gazed around the room as Jon moved to light a fire for you. You heard a low growl and jumped back. Your eyes widened as they came in contact with a large, completely white direwolf. "Ghost," Jon said from behind you. It sounded like a warning. You slowly reached your hand out to the direwolf. "I wouldn't," Jon said.

The direwolf slowly approached you and sniffed your outstretched hand before nudging it lightly. You giggled and gently ran your hand over his soft fur. "Ghost likes you. Now this room truly is the safest place for you." You smiled up at him just a snowy breeze blew through the window. You shivered against the cold air. Jon slipped off his furs and wrapped them around your shoulders. "Thank you," you whispered.

You turned to face Jon and gave him a smile. "You are most welcome, my lady," he replied in the same soft tone you had used. You felt something nudge the back of your knees, causing you to fall somewhat ungracefully into Jon. You felt your cheeks heat up and another shiver run up your spine, only this time it wasn't due to the cold.


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