Discomfort Pt. 2-Mischievous (Jon Snow x fem!reader)

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(a/n: You should read Part 1 first.)

You immediately began to stutter out an apology and Jon did the same. His face was as red as yours felt. "I, uh, I have duties to attend to. You should get some rest. Ghost will protect you," Jon said before quickly turning and leaving the room. You took a few deep breaths, trying to calm your nerves and racing heart. That was physically the closest you'd ever been to a man that was not family and Jon certainly was attractive.

Ghost let out a huff and laid back down on the floor next to the fire. You pulled Jon's furs tighter around you and took a seat in the chair by the hearth. You weren't certain you could remain in this room for your entire stay, but for now, it was warm, comfortable and away from prying eyes. You sat gazing into the fire, listening to the wood crackling and trying to think of something other than your encounter with the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. After all, nothing could come of your attraction to the man you hardly knew.

*time skip*

You'd been at the Wall for far longer than your brother had originally planned. He was like a child in a sweet shop. Training every day and drinking at night. He did make sure you were taken care and protected, usually by Jon or Jon's friend, Samwell. Ghost typically stayed by your side as well, much to everyone's surprise. You soon learned that he was a mischievous direwolf.

One evening, you'd gone back to Jon's chambers after supper. You were there to grab the furs Jon had loaned you when Ghost took them in his mouth and darted out the open door. You never thought a direwolf would act so like a common house pet. You bit your lip, debating on whether you should run after the direwolf in a rather unladylike manner or if you should simply stay put. You decided on the former. You took off after Ghost.

You chased him through the castle, laughing to yourself. You were certain you looked ridiculous. You were so focused on getting to Ghost that you didn't have time to stop when Jon suddenly rounded the corner. You ran right into him, nearly knocking him over. His hands flew to your waist as you hit. "Lady Y/N, you should not be running alone in these corridors," he admonished, not realizing how closely he was holding you. You did notice, however, but couldn't bring yourself to move.

"You should tell that to your furry friend and my protector. He ran off with your furs," you told him. Your whole body felt like it was on fire due to his proximity. "Ghost." Jon's voice was calm and quiet as he called to Ghost over his shoulder. The direwolf came at his master's call and sat next to him, the furs still in his mouth. "Drop them." Ghost obliged and you could swear he was smiling.

It was only then that Jon seemed to realize just how close to you he was. He dropped his hands that were still on your waist and leaned down to pick up the black furs. He gently draped them over your shoulders, a light pink dusting his cheeks. "Thank you, Lord Commander," you whispered. You were still so close. If you leaned up, you could have kissed him. And yet, you still couldn't seem to move away. "You're welcome, my lady."

For a moment, there was silence between you, but Ghost let out another huff and began circling the two of you, forcing you to move even closer together. You gazed up at Jon through your lashes and found his eyes riveted on your face. You forced yourself to speak. "I should return to my chambers, well, your chambers." You began rambling and continued to do so until you suddenly felt something warm against your mouth. Jon's lips.

Apparently, Ghost had heard enough of your ramblings and decided to take matters into his own hands...or rather paws. He circled the two of you yet again before doing to Jon the same thing he'd done to you your first night. He gently nudged the back of Jon's legs just hard enough to push him forward slightly. When he did, Jon's lips collided with yours. Jon jerked away quickly, and apologized before turning to Ghost and scolding him. "Jon," you said softly, getting his attention back on you. Your face was red yet again and Jon refused to meet your gaze.

"It's alright," you told him. He opened his mouth to protest, but you stopped him. "I know nothing can come of this. You made vows. I cannot and will not come between you and those vows. Chances are when I leave here, you will never see me again," you continued. Jon gave you a small, rare smile. "My lady, I cannot say that pleases me." You laughed and replied, "Nor does it please me but, I shall take this memory and lock it away in my heart forever." You pressed a kiss to his cheek and turned away to return to his chambers. Jon sighed and looked down at Ghost, who whined.

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