Olenna's Handmaiden (Jaime Lannister x fem!reader)

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"What in the Seven Hells am I thinking?" Jaime muttered to himself as he ran his flesh hand over his face, feeling the slight stubble under his fingers. In truth, Jaime really wasn't thinking. His mind was far too clouded with thoughts of you to think properly. You had come into his life in a whirlwind and now, you were all Jaime could think about and he hated himself for it. He felt as if he were betraying her memory. Cersei's. And yet, there was a part of the remaining Lannister twin that didn't care. After all, he was the one who ended his sister's life.

He hadn't wanted to, but what choice did he have? Cersei had gone completely off the rails, causing the deaths of so many. Whenever Jaime looked at her, he was reminded of the Mad King. The very man whose back Jaime drove a sword into. He wasn't about to let King's Landing fall victim to that again, so he did what he knew was necessary even though it nearly broke his heart to do it. He'd added the title Queenslayer to his growing list. Then, you appeared.

When Jaime killed Cersei, King's Landing was thrown into turmoil until Daenerys Targaryen appeared with Tyrion at her side several weeks later. Jaime, too broken and exhausted to fight anymore, supported her claim to the throne. He only prayed she'd be a better ruler than her predecessors. Along with Daenerys, Lady Olenna returned to King's Landing, bringing her favorite handmaiden with her. You.

From the moment Jaime laid eyes on you, he knew you weren't like most handmaidens. How could you be when you spent most of your time with Lady Olenna? You didn't have the demure look that most young ladies seemed to have and you certainly didn't curb your tongue. You said whatever was on your mind, no matter who was around.

Jaime sighed to himself and turned to leave the Keep, promptly running into something solid. "Ow. You should be more careful," you snapped, kneeling down on the ground to pick up the basket of flowers you'd dropped. You glared up at him and frowned. "Ah, Ser Jaime. To what do I owe the pleasure of being so rudely knocked down?" You finished picking up the flowers and stood, brushing your dress off. "You were merely the first of many, I assure you...what is your name again?" He knew what your name was, of course but there was no way he'd tell you that. You rolled your eyes. "Y/N. Now if you'll excuse me, Lady Olenna wanted these flowers ten minutes ago."

Jaime watched you walk away, shaking his head. The only conversation he'd ever had with you and it wasn't very pleasant. One half of his head was telling him it was for the best but the other was telling him that he wanted more. He wanted to get to know you. That part of him was saying that, if Cersei ever really loved him, she'd want him to find happiness. He thought he could have happiness with you if he could win your over, so that's the half of his brain he chose to listen to.

Over the next few weeks, Jaime found ways to spend time with you which didn't escape your lady's notice. "I didn't believe it possible, but Ser Jaime is smitten," Lady Olenna said one day as you set down her plate of cheese and poured her wine. She was always open with her handmaidens and insisted they be open with her. Open and honest. You arched a brow at her.

"Whatever do you mean, my lady?" She scoffed at your attempt to sound nonchalant. "Do not act as if you don't know. He flits about you like a bird around a flower. And you are just as smitten as he is." You let out a snort at that. "I do not know what you're talking about, my lady." Lady Olenna gave you a look that told you she wasn't buying it. "I believe you know exactly what I am talking about, Y/N. Jaime Lannister may a Lannister, but he is not immune to real love. Not like what he is used to." You knew what she was referring to.

"My lady-" She raised her hand, cutting you off. "If you will not admit it to me, at least admit it to yourself. You forget I know you, Y/N. I can tell when you have feelings for someone and you are hopelessly in love with Jaime Lannister." You'd never had Lady Olenna speak so passionately about anything to you before then and it shocked you that she was now. Did you have feelings for the Kingslayer? "You're dismissed, Y/N." Lady Olenna waved you off. You turned to walk away, unaware that Jaime had heard everything.

He rounded the corner just as you'd turned around. You were left standing there, your mouth gaping open like a fish. "The rumors said you were a gossip, Lady Olenna but I had no idea you were so persistent about it," he said, not even looking at the lady in question. His green eyes never left your face. "I think I shall retire for a while. Too much sun," Lady Olenna said, rising from her chair and slowly making her way into the Keep.

"Is there any truth in what the gossip says?" you asked him after a moment or two of silence. Jaime nearly laughed at your boldness. You sometimes spoke so much like a higher born woman that he forgot you were a handmaiden. "And if there is?" Your brows furrowed as if you were contemplating something. Jaime decided to take matters into his own hands."Say the word, Y/N and I will leave you alone. Tell me you don't love me and I will never bother you again," he said, taking a step closer to you.

There was almost no space between you when you looked up into his eyes. "I don't love you," you whispered but you knew you were lying to yourself and a moment later, your arms were around his neck and your lips crashed against his. Jaime's arms wrapped around you as he deepened the kiss. When you had to break apart for air, Jaime said softly, "Liar." You laughed and kissed him again.


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