A Lion and a Wolf (Jaime Lannister x fem!Stark reader)

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"Why does he keep sending me? It's not like he doesn't have a thousand guards to do this or even Mother," you grumbled as you approached the makeshift cage where your brother Robb was holding a prisoner. "Lady Y/N," the guard greeted. "Leave us," you commanded, not even looking at him but rather you were watching the prisoner. The guard gave a quick nod and bolted. He knew not to anger you.

You glared at your brother's prisoner, arms crossed over your chest in defiance. The Lannister green eyes of the prisoner met your Stark grey ones. "To what do I owe this pleasure? Another demand? Or perhaps another threat from this so-called 'King of the North'?" For a number of weeks, your brother had been holding Jaime Lannister and sending you to the man with his requests and the occasional threat.

"Actually, I convinced His Grace that you need a bath. You smell and despite you being our prisoner, I cannot keep coming around you when you stink the way you do. Do not misunderstand, I will kill you if you try to run. I have archers waiting to shoot should you harm me," you explained crossly as you undid his chains and hoisted him to his feet.

Jaime said nothing, just watched you from the corner of his eye. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't taken a liking to you. You were tough for a woman and a Northerner. Jaime could tell that you were the kind of woman who knew what she wanted and took it. He wasn't about to run away from you, at least not until he knew you better. He valued his life too much.

You tightened your grip on his elbow as you escorted him to a stream a feet away from the camp. "Are you going to watch me?" Jaime asked with a smirk. You gave a dry laugh and a scoff. "In your dreams, Kingslayer. As I said, there are guards and archers poised to kill you at any moment." You turned your back as Jaime begins to undress. He had no intention of running, but that didn't mean he couldn't try and fluster you a bit. He quietly approached you and whispered, "Care to join me?" You cringed at the feeling of his breath on the back of your neck.

"You have exactly three seconds to back away and get into the water before I change you from a male into a female," you threatened with a growl. One look at your posture and Jaime could tell you meant business. He quickly moved into the cold water of the stream and began washing the grime from his body. He looked back toward the bank where you were standing. You hadn't noticed him watching, so you began humming to yourself and swaying slightly. Jaime smiled at the sight.

While you could be quite fierce and intimidating, you also appeared to be a gentle soul at least when you weren't threatening him. Jaime continued to observe you as he bathed, eventually trying to strike up a conversation. "Why are you here, Lady Y/N? You are no soldier," he asked. Your swaying stopped as you contemplated his question. "I suppose that King Robb appreciates my council. He is my brother after all. Besides, I can fight with the best of them," you replied, not turning around.

The conversation continued as Jaime finished his bath and got dressed in a fresh tunic and trousers you'd brought. He tapped you on the shoulder when he finished. You turned and studied him for a moment before frowning slightly. You pulled out your dagger, pointed to a tree stump and said, "Sit." Jaime's eyes widened, causing you to giggle for moment. You quickly composed yourself. "Relax. I won't kill you. I'm going to shave you," you told him.

Jaime nodded, but remained wary until he felt the first stroke of the dagger against his cheek. He shifted his eyes over to you as your brow furrowed and your jaw clenched. You were even more pleasing to the eye up close. Jaime didn't realized that your jaw was clenched because you found him just as attractive as he found you. You soon finished shaving the Lannister and took a step back. "So there was a man under all that filth and hair after all," you mused with a chuckle.

Jaime glanced up at you and you locked eyes for a moment. You found yourself unable to tear yourself away from the lion's gaze. The flood of emotion you felt while staring into those green eyes was overwhelming and Jaime felt the same. You weren't certain who moved first, but soon your lips were locked with his. His hands were cupping your cheeks and yours were on his chest. Your lips continued to meet over and over again until you had no choice but to part for air.

"A Lion and a Wolf...who would have thought?" Jaime asked after he caught his breath. He was still holding your face. You opened your eyes and found his still closed. He looked almost peaceful. "This is madness. You know that, don't you?" you questioned him. His eyes opened and gaze lovingly back into yours. "It is." You finally came to your senses and backed away from Jaime. "We can't do this. You are my brother's prisoner. He will use you to get our sisters back then you will be lost to me. I cannot do it." You gave a shout to a guard to come and collect Jaime as you felt the tears coming. As Jaime was lead away, you sank to your knees and sobbed until you had no tears left. 

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