No Comparison(Jaime Lannister x fem!reader)

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You looked at your reflection in the mirror as your handmaiden left. Your long (h/c) locks flowed down your back and made your (e/c) orbs stand out, but you didn't think you were anything special. Certainly not special enough to tempt the man who claims to love you. Jaime Lannister. Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Come," you called. The door opened and the man you were madly in love with entered the room. "Hello, my love," he greeted wrapping his arms around you. You scowled at him. He cocked an eyebrow at you. "Why do you love me, Jaime?" He pulled back and stared at you.

"Why? Why wouldn't I? You are not only beautiful but brilliant. You have a wit that nearly surpasses Tyrion's. You stand up for yourself and others even when you don't have to. You make me a better man and you stay with me even knowing that I cannot marry you nor can I have children," Jaime declared. "I'm not beautiful, Jaime. Not compared to Cersei," you muttered the last part in hopes that he wouldn't hear. He did. "Cersei?" You looked at him pointedly.

Jaime had confessed to you about his relationship with his sister. He told you that, after all the despicable acts she committed, he had grown to see her for what she was and not a woman he could love. At least not intimately. "Y/N, I told you. I have not been with my sister in that way for some time nor do I want to. I love you." Jaime always knew just what to say. Your lips stretched into a smile as you pulled him to you. "I love you too, Jaime."

Jaime left your chambers a little while later as he had duties to attend to and you had plans to dine with Princess Myrcella that morning. As you wandered down to the gardens, you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up as if you were being watched. You turned and took in your surroundings. You didn't see anything, so you continued on. The next thing you knew, someone grabbed you from behind. You screamed twice before the assailant placed a knife to your throat.

"Quiet or I will make your death slow and painful. Do you understand, my lady?" the voice whispered in your ear. You flinched as you smelled the ale on his breath. "I asked if you understood?" You didn't want to answer but he pressed the knife deeper into your throat so you whimpered, "Yes." You caught a glimpse of gold in your peripheral and you stiffened. Suddenly, you felt a sharp pain in your neck, but you were no longer being held by your attacker.

You brought your hand up to your throat and turned around. Jaime had tackled the man to the ground and was in the process of beating him senseless. You placed a gentle hand on his shoulder to make him stop. "I'm alright," you whispered to him and his gaze softened for a moment before he caught a glimpse of the blood on your neck. He turned back to the man and hoisted him up by his shirt. "Why did you attack her? What was the point?"

The man looked between you and Jaime with wide eyes. This man that had been threatening you mere moments ago now looked like he was going to soil himself. "Please...I was just doing my job." You could see the rage in Jaime's face. "Your job?! It is your job to attack innocent women?!" The man shook his head frantically. "No! S-she paid me to kill her!" You and Jaime exchanged a puzzled look. "She?" you asked. Who would want to kill you? You had no enemies that you knew of. "T-the Queen Regent."

Your mouth fell open as you gauged Jaime's reaction. The Queen Regent, Jaime's sister, had hired someone to kill you. "Why? Why me?" The man shook his head once more as he struggled to get out of Jaime's grip. Jaime dropped him and growled, "Get out of my sight." You put your hand on his shoulder again, but he shrugged it off. "Go to Myrcella. I need to have a conversation with my sister," he was still growling under his breath as he left you standing alone in the courtyard.

Jaime was livid. His own sister plotted to kill the woman that he loved. The only woman that didn't look down on him for his past. The only one, besides Brienne of Tarth and his family that didn't call him "Kingslayer." You looked past all of it and loved Jaime for who he was. Just a man that wanted to be free to love who he wanted. Jaime stomped through the Keep in search of his sister. He found her with the Small Council. "Cersei? I need a word," he said as calmly as possible. Her Lannister green eyes met his and he could see the sick woman she really was.

"In a moment," she replied coolly. "NOW, CERSEI!" Jaime was beyond done. He was going to give his sister a piece of his mind, even if he had to do in front of the lords on the Small Council including his father, the Hand of the King. Cersei's calm facade flickered for a moment as she stood and made her way to the door. Jaime took hold of her elbow and escorted her to her empty chambers. "Now you want back in my bed, dear brother?" Cersei asked coyly.

It took everything in his power not to slap his sister. "Enough, Cersei! I know what you've done. Why? How could you do it? Of all those that have wronged you, why Y/N? What has she ever done?" he fired accusing question after question at his sister. "She took you from me. You told her you love her. We have been together since the womb and you would leave me for a pathetic woman that means nothing?" Jaime closed his eyes and took a calming breath. "There is no comparison, Sister," he said putting stress on the title, "Y/N is everything you are not. She is beautiful and kind. She makes me feel like a man, a real man. Not one that has to hide how he feels. I am going to talk to father. Convince him to release me from my vows so I can marry Y/N."

He'd never admitted his intentions out loud, but as he said them he grew more confident. "Marry her? You cannot be serious, Jaime." Jaime glared at his sister. "I am. I love her and I swear if you ever try to bring harm to her again, I will ruin you," he said, making certain she understood just how much he meant it. "Is that a threat, Ser Jaime?" Jaime shook his head before saying, "It is a promise, Your Grace." With that, Jaime left the room and went in search of you once again.

"Y/N!" he called when he saw you. You turned away from your conversation with the princess and smiled at him. "Myrcella, could I steal Y/N from you for a moment please?" Jaime asked, nearly out of breath. Myrcella nodded and left the garden. "Jaime? What is it?" you inquire, worried. "Marry me." Your jaw dropped. "I beg your pardon?" Jaime cleared his throat. "Marry me, Y/N. I love you and I'm going to request that my father release me from my vows. I want to marry you. To have children with you." As Jaime spoke, you felt the tears beginning to form.

"This was not exactly the proposal I had in mind Ser Jaime Lannister," you chided jokingly, "But I accept." You threw your arms around his neck and kissed him with every ounce of passion you could. When you parted for air, he placed his forehead on yours. "Do you mean it?" You laughed. "Of course I do, Jaime. I love you and I will gladly become your wife if you will have me." He kissed you again, neither of you noticing the other three Lannister Lions watching. 

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