The Lion's Spy (Tyrion Lannister x fem!reader)

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You steadied your breathing as you waited for your pray to round the corner. In order for your plan to work, you had to time this right. You heard the sound of small footsteps heading your way. Steeling your nerves, you rounded the corner just in time to run into Tyrion Lannister. "Oh! Forgive me, my lord," you cried, your eyes never leaving his as you curtsied slightly.

"No, my lady. The fault is mine," he said, waving away your apology. He gazed up at you in confusion. "Who do I have the honor of addressing? I do not recall seeing you in the Red Keep before." You flashed him a smile. The plan was working so far. "Lady Y/N of House Y/L/N, at your service, my lord. I've only recently arrived in this fair city with Lady Margaery and I'm afraid I've gotten turned around," you told him, looking sheepishly down at the ground. He chuckled.

"Perhaps I could assist you. Where are you going?" You grinned. "I was informed there is a vast library in the halls of the Keep." Tyrion's eyes widened in surprise. Not many noble ladies were seen in the library of the Red Keep. "Well, it so happens, I was heading that way myself. Perhaps you would care to join me?" You nodded and let him lead you to the library, all the while trying to ignore the small voice in the back of your mind that was telling you this was wrong.


"Lady Y/N?" You looked up from your needlepoint and came face to face with the Queen Regent. "Your Grace," you greeted, rising from your seat to show respect. You didn't care for Cersei Lannister, but you needed to remain on her good side. "I need you to do something for me," Cersei told you, getting right to business. You cocked your head in confusion. Cersei glanced over her shoulders and around the room to make sure no one was listening.

"My brother is plotting something. I need to know what." You frowned slightly, unsure exactly what she was asking. "What has that to do with me?" She looked at you as if it were obvious. "You shall go to him, make friends with him and report his every move back to me. I must know what he is planning for the rest of us." You wanted so badly to refuse, but you valued your life and your family's. So, you agreed.

*End of flashback*

Once in the library with Tyrion, you couldn't fight the smile on your face. Tyrion took in the joy on your face and decided then and there that he wanted to learn more about you. "So, why have you come to this fair city, Lady Y/N?" You wandered over to a shelf and ran your fingers over the spines of several books. "I accompanied my dear friend Margaery. She worried about being bored in King's Landing. She need not have as I haven't seen much of her since the day after we arrived." Tyrion chuckled and you smiled to yourself. This was going to be easier than you thought.

Weeks passed quickly in Tyrion's company. At first, passing information to Cersei came easily, but the longer your little charade went on, the more difficult it became and soon, you found yourself unable to do it at all. Despite your best efforts, you had fallen in love with the youngest Lannister. He was charming, witty and candid. His intelligence was a thing of beauty and you found yourself falling for him more and more every day.

"That is all the information I have and the last you shall get from me," you informed Cersei one evening after spending the day with Tyrion. The information you had given her was false, but she didn't need to know that. All she needed to know was that you were done being her spy. You couldn't do it anymore. "Is that so?" You nodded, keeping your stance firm and your head held high. Cersei arched a brow at you, but said nothing. You turned to leave, relieved that you could drop your pretense now. The last thing you saw before the world went black was the door opening.

When you opened you eyes again, you were in a room your didn't recognize. "She's awake," a gruff voice you knew to belong to Bronn called out. You placed a hand to your forehead and groaned. "What happened?" Bronn cleared his throat and announced he was leaving to give you and Tyrion some privacy. "You've done something to upset the sensibilities of my poor sister," Tyrion said as soon as the door closed behind Bronn.

You looked over at him, your vision becoming clearer by the second. You could see the concern written on his face, but also a hint of anger and betrayal. "Is it true?" Your brows furrowed and he continued, "Cersei told me you were under her influence this entire time. That you were passing along information to her about my plans, or lack thereof." You closed your eyes, blinking back tears and said nothing. That was enough for him.

"So, this...all of it was a pretense?" he asked. Your eyes flew open and you sat up quickly, making yourself dizzy. "NO!" you cried when the dizziness passed. You gazed at him and sighed. "It started as pretense. I planned to befriend you and to pass your secrets to the Queen Regent. I planned it all except for one thing. I did not plan to fall in love with you," you spoke in a voice that was barely above a whisper.

"You do not love me. You betrayed me." You shook your head vehemently. "No! I passed along false information, except at the beginning. I couldn't do it!" Tyrion looked down at the ground, his fists clenched at his sides. "You betrayed me! Never have I know a woman more devious except perhaps my sister!" he yelled, startling you. He never raised his voice to you.

He took a deep breath. "Please, Tyrion. What can I do to convince you?" He looked up from the floor. "You may leave King's Landing. I will give you enough gold dragons to get out of the city and never return. I no longer have any desire to see you." He tossed a bag of coin at you as if you were a common whore and stalked out of the room. You pulled your knees up to your chest and rest your head on them as the tears started to fall. 

(a/n: Thank you all so much for over 171K reads and over 5.5K votes on this book!! That is absolutely amazing!)

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