Save Her (Jon Snow x reader)

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(a/n: slight AU and I guess spoilers if you squint)

You paced the hall of Winterfell wringing your hands when Jon came in. He wore a look of worry and confusion that you were certain matched yours. Your young daughter was missing. She wasn't in her bed that morning and she did not come to break the fast with you. "Where is she, Jon?" you asked softly. You were fighting back tears. It wasn't like her to run off. Jon wrapped his arms around you. "I don't know, but I will find her." You pulled away from him and went to find Sansa. She was Lady of Winterfell and commanded all of Winterfell's forces.

Jon was hot on your trail as you navigated the corridors of your home to find your goodsister. Sansa was reading a missive when you found her. "Sansa!" She looked up at you, her Tully blue eyes filled with tears. "She's been taken. By the Freys. They say they will only return her if I surrender Winterfell to them," she gasped out through her sobs. You felt Jon stiffen in anger next to you. Winterfell was your home and none of you wanted to give it up, but at the same time, you were not leaving your daughter to the mercy of the Freys.

"I will not surrender our home again. I will send my best men to the Freys. We will rescue my niece if I have to kill every single Frey that ever lived," Sansa declared, her Stark temper coming to the surface. "Is that the best course of action? Perhaps sending a few men as a distraction while others sneak in and rescue her would be better than out right attacking, my lady," Ser Davos said. Sansa made him her advisor when she took back Winterfell from the Boltons. After much debate, Sansa finally agreed to Ser Davos' plan.

"I will lead the men myself, " Jon said, his hands still clenched into fists. He glanced at you. You nodded once, knowing that it was pointless to argue with your husband. You followed him silently back to your chambers where Jon began donning his armor. Once he was prepared, you accompanied him to the gates of Winterfell. Before he mounted his horse, you pulled him into a hug. "I love you, Jon. Be safe and please save her. " You felt his arms tighten around you. "I'll bring her home, I promise," he said before loosening his hold. He kissed your forehead and mounted his horse, leaving you behind.

It was weeks before you saw Jon again. You were praying in the Godswood when you heard a voice that brought tears to your eyes. "Mother!" you opened your eyes and turned to find your small daughter running to you with open arms. In an instant, you had her in a hug, tears running freely down the apples of your cheeks. "Thank the gods!" you praised, pressing a kiss to your daughter's hair. You looked over and saw Jon standing there with a small smile. You beckoned him over to join you in welcoming your daughter home.


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