A Game of Love (Tyrion x fem!Stark reader x Bronn)

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As you entered the library with your husband, you couldn't help but giggle. As much as you didn't want to be married at all, Tyrion was at least a kind and friendly man. The marriage really was a big joke to the both of you. A show that you put on in front of Tywin and the other lords and ladies. You knew the minute Tywin announced that he arranged your marriage that it would not be one of love, ever. You got on with Tyrion, but you knew that you didn't love him, at least not that way.

"I must say, you play the doting wife very well, Y/N," Tyrion laughed along with you. He didn't love you either and you knew that. You understood that he loved your sister Sansa's handmaiden. A woman named Shae. So, the two of you made others believe that you were merely pawns in the game they were playing. When out in King's Landing, you played the perfect lord and lady. The adoring husband and wife. When you were behind closed doors, however, you grew restless. You decided to talk to Tyrion about it.

"I grow bored, Lord husband," you said carefully in case Tywin had spies listening in on your conversation. "I was wondering if I could start training with a blade? I used to practice with my brothers all the time in Winterfell, much to Mother's dismay and I'd very much like to learn again." As you spoke, you checked around the room and peeked outside the door. Finding no one, you turned back to Tyrion. "What do you think? Let's be honest, I could use the protection."

Tyrion chuckled at you and your honesty. "I think it would be wise. I can see if Bronn is available to train you. While I trust Jaime, I cannot be certain it would not get back to my father." You nodded and bent down to hug him close. "Thank you." You may not have been in love with the youngest Lannister, but he really was a good friend to you.

The next day, you met with Bronn in a secluded area where the two of you could train away from prying eyes. You learn right away that Bronn was a man of action. He lunged at you the moment you had a grip on your sword, hardly giving you time to block the blow. You glared at him and he chuckled. "Yer not very intimidatin', ya know," he said with a smirk. You quickly swung your sword at his knees, but he blocked it. You were trying to be careful since Bronn didn't believe in using practice blades. It was real swords or nothing. "Keep yer sword up, milady!" he shouted as he came at you again.

*time skip*

You'd been training with Bronn for months now and you found yourself looking forward to your training every day. At least you did, until the day you realized that somewhere along the way, you'd fallen in love with the brash and crass Sellsword. Everything about the man drew you in and you just couldn't help it. It became apparent that afternoon during training.

Bronn had just knocked you onto your back and was hovering over you, his face inches from yours. You gazed up at him with wide eyes and, before you knew it your lips were colliding in a frenzy of passionate kisses. You parted when his moustache tickled you nose, making you giggle. Your eyes immediately watered. You pushed him off you and got up. "We cannot do this," you whispered, "I'm married to Tyrion. To your friend."

The usually selfish man at least had the decency to look somewhat ashamed. "Ya don't love 'im. Ya haven't even consummated yer marriage!" You slapped you hand over his mouth. The three of you and Shae were the only people that knew that particular fact. "Shush! I cannot betray my husband and we cannot do whatever this is!" you cried and he removed your hand from his mouth. "I won't argue with ya. Tell me ya love 'im not me and I'll leave ya alone," he said softly. You said nothing. Instead, you took the coward's way out and ran leaving Bronn standing there alone.

You slammed the door to your chambers shut and sank down to the floor. Before you could start full-on sobbing, Tyrion was standing next to you. He was definitely shocked to see you in tears. "What in the Seven Hells is the matter with you?" You turned your face away from him. You felt ashamed. "Y/N, tell me. Did my father do something?" You shook your head while debating whether or not you should tell him what had happened. Tyrion sighed when he realized that you were not going to talk.

You pushed yourself off the floor and went to pour yourself a goblet of wine. Tyrion gave a you a quizzical look. You almost never drank wine. You quickly told him what happened and Tyrion wasn't angry like you thought he'd be. He even offered you advice before he left the room in search of Bronn. He didn't have to go far. Bronn was in the library searching for you. "Bronn? What happened at training today?" Bronn cleared his throat and immediately began to sweat. Normally, Bronn was a man who took what he wanted but you were another man's wife. Not only that, but you were his friend's wife.

"Bronn? I demand to know why Y/N returned to our chambers in tears this afternoon," Tyrion's voice increased in volume as he spoke. "I might 'ave kissed 'er," Bronn answered, looking directly at Tyrion, waiting for the anger. It never came. Tyrion's expression softened and he got a glint in his eye, like he knew something Bronn didn't. "You might have? You either did or you did not. The question is, if you did indeed kiss her, did you enjoy it? Did she?"

"I...I don't know if she did. I did," came the answer. Tyrion watched his friend's face change and knew in an instant that Bronn was thinking about you. "Do you love her?" Bronn jumped at the sudden question and his brows furrowed together. Did he? He'd never really thought about it. The kind of love Tyrion was talking about was foreign to him. "If you can't answer right away, then the answer is yes you do."

Bronn thought for another moment. That would explain why you were always on his mind. Why he couldn't wait to see you every day. He loved you. "Yes. Yes I do. I love 'er." The ajar door to the library opened the rest of the way slowly to reveal you. You had tears in your eyes, but a smile on your face. "Ya knew she was there, didn't ya?" Bronn asked, not tearing his gaze away from you. "I did. Y/N always comes here when she is upset. I shall leave you to it then. Come to me with your decision, Y/N." Tyrion left you alone with Bronn.

"Decision?" Bronn asked. You gave a sheepish nod. "Did you mean it, Bronn? Do you love me?" Bronn pulled you close to him and kissed you deeply. "Does that answer yer question?" he asked you parted for air. "I want to hear you say it," you told him. Bronn scoffed, earning a cocked eyebrow in his direction. He smirked and leaned back in to whisper in your ear. "I love ya, Y/N." You kissed his cheek and stepped back. "Then we must tell Tyrion. He's offered us safe passage out of King's Landing, for my safety."

Bronnkissed you once more, as if he couldn't get enough of you and then took your elbow.The two of you quickly found Tyrion and explained the situation. He hugged youclose and then gave you a sack of coin to begin your journey. Bronn left King'sLanding with you that very night, never to return.     

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